Statistical Yearbooks of China

On this page you may find statistical yearbooks on various topics and regions of China. To access the databases you need to be a registered user of CrossAsiaor Heidelberg University. You may use the list below or click on a province on the map to access the respective yearbooks.This page offers an extract from the following China yearbook databases: Apabi Yearbook Database (中国年鉴资源全文数据库) , China Statistical Yearbook Database CNKI (中国统计年鉴数据库)China Yearbooks Full-text Database CNKI (中国年鉴网络出版总库) as well as the local resources of the Heidelberg Insitute of Chinese Studies.

Our newest Yearbooks may be found either by selecting the red colored dates or directly in our Local Yearbooks section.

Name: Chin. Name: Timeframe:
National Level:    
Almanac of China's Economy 中国经济年鉴 2002-2003, 2005, 2008, 2010-2014
Almanac of China's Finance and Banking 中国金融年鉴 1992 - 2010
China Agriculture Yearbook 中国农业年鉴 1980 - 2008
China City Statistical Yearbook 中国城市统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
China Energy Statistical Yearbook 中国能源统计年鉴 1986 - 2011
China Enterprise Management Annual 中国企业管理年鉴 1990 - 2010
China Enterprise Yearbook 中国企业年鉴 2011, 2012, 2014
China Environment Yearbook 中国环境年鉴 2011, 2014
China Finance Yearbook 中国财政年鉴  1992 - 2008, 2010 - 2013
China Human Resources and Social Security Yearbook 中国资源和社会保障年鉴 2010-2012
China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook 中国人口和就业统计年鉴 2011- 2014
China Labour Statistical Yearbook 中国劳动统计年鉴 1989 - 2011, 2012, 2014
China's Labour Unions 中國工會年鑒 1995-2004
China Law Yearbook 中国法律年鉴 1987 - 2010
China Population & Employment Statistics Yearbook 中国人口和就业统计年鉴 1988 - 2010, 2011 - 2013
China Publication Yearbook 中国出版年鉴  1980 - 2011
China Statistical Yearbook 中国统计年鉴 1981 - 2011, 2012 - 2014
China Statistical Yearbook on Science & Technology 中国科技统计年鉴 1991 - 2011
China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 中国高技术产业统计年鉴 2002 - 2011
China Trade & External Economic Statistical Yearbook 中国贸易外经统计年鉴 1990 - 2011
China Yearbook on Chinese Medicine 中国中医药年鉴 1983 - 2010
Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy (Academic Edition) 中国中医药年鉴 2008 - 2011
Chinese Trade Unions Statistics Yearbook 中国工会年鉴 1991 - 2008
Provincial Level:    
Anhui Statistical Yearbook 安徽统计年鉴  1989 - 2011, 2012, 2014
Beijing Statistical Yearbook 北京统计年鉴 1980 - 2011
Chongqing Statistical Yearbook 重庆统计年鉴 1990 - 2011
Fujian Statistical Yearbook 福建统计年鉴  1983 - 2011, 2012, 2013
Gansu Statistical Yearbook 甘肃发展年鉴 1984 - 2011
Guangdong Statistical Yearbook 广东统计年鉴  1986 - 2011, 2012 - 2014
Guangdong Yearbook 广东年鉴 2012-2014
Guangxi Statistical Yearbook 广西统计年鉴 1984 - 2011
Guizhou Statistical Yearbook 贵州统计年鉴 1983 - 2011
Hainan Statistical Yearbook 海南统计年鉴 1987 - 2011, 2013
Hebei Economic Yearbook 河北经济年鉴 1985 - 2011
Heilongjiang Statistical Yearbook 黑龙江统计年鉴 1987 - 2011
Henan Statistical Yearbook 河南统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
Hubei Statistical Yearbook  湖北统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
Hunan Statistical Yearbook 湖南统计年鉴 1982 - 2011
Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 内蒙古统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
Jiangsu Statistical Yearbook 江苏统计年鉴 1988 - 2011
Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook 江西统计年鉴 1983 - 2011
Jilin Statistical Yearbook 吉林统计年鉴 1992 - 2011
Liaoning Statistical Yearbook 辽宁统计年鉴 1983 - 2011
Ningxia Statistical Yearbook 宁夏统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
Qinghai Statistical Yearbook 青海统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
Shaanxi Statistical Yearbook 陕西统计年鉴 1986 - 2011
Shanxi Statistical Yearbook 山西统计年鉴 1985 - 2011
Shandong Statistical Yearbook 山东统计年鉴 1983 - 2011, 2012 - 2014
Shanghai Culture Yearbook 上海文化年鉴 1987 - 2009
Shanghai Statistical Yearbook 上海统计年鉴  1981 - 2011
Sichuan Statistical Yearbook 四川统计年鉴  1987 - 2011, 2012 - 2014
Sichuan Yearbook 四川年鉴  2013
Tianjin Statistical Yearbook 天津统计年鉴 1983 - 2011
Tibet Statistical Yearbook 西藏统计年鉴 1989 - 2011
Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook 新疆统计年鉴 1989 - 2011
Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 云南统计年鉴 1988 - 2011
Zhejiang Statistical Yearbook 浙江统计年鉴 1984 - 2011, 2014
Taiwan Yearbooks 台湾年鉴 2001 - 2011
Yearbooks on Chinese Communist Studies (Taiwan) 中共年报 2001 - 2004, 2006, 2011-2013
Last edited by: SV
Latest Revision: 2024-03-05
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