Curriculum Vitae

Personal Background and Early Education

  • 1974-78: primary school Durmersheim
  • 1978-79: Gymnasium Durmersheim
  • 1979-85: Hölderlingymnasium Heidelberg
  • 1984: 3-months stay at Brockworth Comprehensive School, England
  • 1985-87 Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, Victoria, Kanada (United World College)

Family: married to Thomas A. Schmitz, 2 children (Thomas Adrian, b. 25.3.2000, Carl Benjamin, b. 27.2.2002)

University Education

  • 1987-90: Chinese Studies, Oxford
  • 1988, Januar: Early entry into 2nd year
  • 1988, March-August: Language Training at Mandarin Training Center, Taibei, Taiwan
  • 1989, July-August: Language Training and Training in Chinese Music at Mandarin Training Center and Taiwan National Normal University, Taibei, Taiwan as well as University of Hong Kong
  • 1990-1994: PhD Student, Institutes of Chinese Studies & Musicology, Heidelberg supervisors: Prof. Dr. R. G. Wagner (sinology) und Prof. Dr. L. Finscher (musicology)
  • 1990-1992: Student of musicology
  • 1991, August: Intensive Course in Japanese Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde in Hamburg
  • 1992: Research Stays in Taibei, Beijing and Shanghai


  • 1987, June: Baccalauréat International, Victoria, Kanada: 1,1.
  • 1990, Juni: Final Exam in Chinese Studies, B.A./M.A., Oxford: II:I
  • 1994, Januar: PhD, Heidelberg: Summa cum laude
  • 1998, Dezember: Habilitation (Second PhD), Heidelberg: Venia legendi in Chinese Studies

Professional Experience

  • 1991, Sept.-Oct.: Library Research Assistant, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg, cataloguing the C. C. Liu Collection of Modern Chinese Music
  • 1993, October: Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg
  • 1994, July: Researcher, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg (Schwerpunktprogramm der DFG „Transformationen der europäischen Expansion“)
  • 1996, July: Assistant Professor (wissenschaftliche Assistentin) Institute of Chinese Studies,Heidelberg
  • 1997, Oct.-1998, May: Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • 1999, October: Associate Professor (Hochschuldozentin, non-tenured) Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg
  • 2002, October: Heisenberg-Fellowship (Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). Affiliations with Institute of Chinese Studies and Gender and Feminist Studies (Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Gender Studies und feministische Zukunftsforschung), Marburg and the Centre d’études de la Chine moderne et contemporaine, Paris.
  • 2004, April: Full Professor (C4, tenured) in Chinese Studies, Heidelberg
  • 2007, October: Speaker, Research Area “Public Spheres” and founding member of the Steering Committee, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows”
  • 2012, November: Director, Cluster of Excellence and member of the Steering Committee, “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: The Dynamics of Transculturality,” Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS)
  • 2013, March: Founding Director, Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)

Fellowships, Honours, Prizes

  • 1984: 3 months at Brockworth Comprehensive School, Scholarship by the cultural ministry (Kultusministerium) Baden Württemberg
  • 1985-87: Scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Stiftung „United World Colleges“
  • 1987-1993: Scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • 1988, March- August: Short Term Scholarship by Mansfield College, Oxford, for studies in Taiwan
  • 1989, July- August: Scholarshio by Hans-Krüger-Stiftung und Proctorscholarship by Mansfield College, Oxford for studies in Taiwan and Hong Kong
  • 1989, September: full member, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • 1991-1993: PhD scholarship by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • 1995, September: Member CHIME Board
  • 1997-1998: Fellowship (Habilitationsstipendium) by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to do research at Harvard University, USA
  • 2000, March: Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz Prize by Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BmBF)
  • 2002 Oct. – 2004, April: Heisenberg-Fellowship by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • 2005: Organizer 2. Frontiers of the Humanities-Meeting (Humboldt-Stiftung & American Philosophical Society)
  • 2007, October: Speaker, Research Area B “Public Spheres,” founding member of the Steering Committee, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows”
  • 2008, Fall: Elected full member of National Academy LEOPOLDINA
  • 2009, March: Henry Allen Moe Prize in the Humanities, American Philosophical Society, in recognition of the paper “Popular Propaganda? Art and Culture in Revolutionary China” held at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Society in 2007
  • 2011, August: Academia Sinica, Institute of Modern History, Invited Research Fellow
  • 2012, November: Director, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context: The Dynamics of Transculturality”, Series Editor Transcultural Research—Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context
  • 2013, Spring: Member Editorial Board for online journal Transcultural Studies
  • 2013, Summer: Elected full member of Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, HAdW)
  • 2013, Fall: 2013 Fairbank Book Prize by the American Historical Association, for A Continuous Revolution: Making Sense of Cultural Revolution Culture
  • 2014, Sept.-Dec. Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Visiting Scholar, Center for East Asian Studies
  • 2015, Jan.-Feb.: Stanford Humanities Center, International Visitor
  • 2019-20: Chercheur Invité (with Anne Kerlan) EHESS Paris (with an Opus Magnum Grant from the Volkswagenstiftung)

Offers and Shortlistings

  • 1998: McGill University, Montreal (Chair in Chinese Cultural Studies) final shortlist
  • 1999: University of California at Berkeley (Assistant/Associate Professor in Chinese Literature and Culture) 2nd on shortlist
  • 1999: Barnard College/Columbia University (Assistant/Associate Professor in Chinese History) 1st on short list (offer declined)
  • 2000: Universität Wien (Ordentliche Professur für Sinologie) 2nd on shortlist
  • 2003:Universität Heidelberg (C4-Professur für Moderne Sinologie) 1st on shortlist, offer accepted
  • 2011: Universität Köln (W3-Professur Sinologie, Schwerpunkt Kultur Chinas) 1st on unico loco shortlist, offer declined
  • 2016: SOAS China Centre Director unico loco shortlist, offer declined

University Administration, Academic Service, Volunteer Work and Honorary Appointments

  • 1990-1992: Steering Committee member, Network „United World Colleges“
  • 1993-: Editorial Board Member, CHIME; Selection Comittee „United World Colleges“
  • 1999-: External Evaluator „University Grants Committee“: University of Hong Kong, Volkswagenstiftung, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, DFG, Amt für Politische Bildung, Thyssen Stiftung, Schweizer Nationalfond
  • 2002-: Reader Oxford University Press, New York, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, European Journal of East Asian Studies, China Review, East Asian History, Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, China aktuell, Brill, Modern China
  • 2002-:Member of numerous search comittees in e.g. anthropology, musicology, Indology, Japanology, classical sinology, economy and society in East Asia,intellectual history, cultural economic history, Buddhist Studies, global art history, East Asian art history
  • 2005-2014: Selection Committee for China and Taiwan, DAAD
  • 2005-: Evaluator in Tenure Procedures (e.g. Toronto, Hong Kong, Stanford, Sydney, York)
  • 2005-: Mentor (Vertrauensdozentin) for students from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • 2006-2009: Selection Committee Rhodes Trust
  • 2006-: Member of the Senate Committee on international affairs; Member of the Teaching Committee at Heidelberg University; Member of the Editorial Board for the journal Zhengda Zhongwen Xuebao
  • 2006-: External evaluator for positions in Leipzig, Köln
  • 2007-: Principal Investigator und founding member of the Steering Committee Exzellenzcluster “Asia and Europe: Asymmetries in Cultural Flows”; Member of the Selection Committee International Relations/Global Networks in 3. Funding Line Exzellenzinitiative
  • 2008-: Speaker, Board of Directors, Heidelberg Confucius Institute; External Evaluator for PhD and HDR dissertations in Singapore, Lyon, Paris, Florence, Aarhus; University Representative responsible for the Partnership with Nankai University Tianjin
  • 2012: Main Editor, Series Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context
  • 2015: Member of the Research Group “Poetik und Hermeneutik” (Krupp & Werner Reimer Stiftung)
  • 2016: Member of an Evaluation Committee for the BMBF
  • 2017:External Member, Search Comittee “Taiwan Studies” in Tübingen Advisory Board Member, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (HKIHSS)
  • 2018: External Committee Member Search Committee “Chinese History” Merton College, Oxford
  • 2019: External Committee Member Search Comittees in Bergen, Hong Kong (Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (HKIHSS)
  • 2020: Board Member (Chair) Heidelberger Forum für Digital Humanities HFDH
  • 2021-2023: Member Working Group „Iconoclasm“ Heidelberg Academy of Sciences Member Working Group „Academy for Future“ Heidelberg Academy of Sciences
  • 2022: Member, Executive Committees des Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (HKIHSS) Selection Committee Tang Prize Taiwan
  • 2023: Executive Director, Heidelberg Center Digital Humanties
  • 2023: External Committee member Search Committees in Paris and Zürich

PhD Supervisions

  • 2008: Lena Henningsen “Copyright matters: Imitation, Creativity and Authenticity in Contemporary Chinese Literature”
  • 2009: Jennifer May “Sources of Authority. Quotational Practice in Chinese Communist Propaganda”
  • 2009: Huang Xuelei “Commercializing Ideologies: Intellectuals and Cultural Production at the Mingxing (Star) Motion Picture Company 1922-1938” (received Ruprecht-Karls-Preis der Universität Heidelberg 2011, Postdoctoral Fellow, Academia Sinica, Humboldt Fellow)
  • 2010: Nora Frisch “Coca-Cola—ein chinesischer Mythos. Über Erscheinungsformen und ideologische Aussagekraft politischer Mythen in kommerzieller Fernsehwerbung in China (1989-2009)”
  • 2010: Jennifer Altehenger “Love, Law and Legality: Marriage Law Campaigning in the Early People’s Republic of China” (Harvard An Wang Postdoctoral Fellowship, Lecturer King’s College, London) received Akademiepreis der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 2015.
  • 2011: Cora Jungbluth “走出去 Geht hinaus! Der Internationalisierungsprozess chinesischer Unternehmen im Spannungsfeld zwischen politischen, ökonomischen und interkulturellen Aspekten” (Assistenz für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Chinas, Freiburg, Asienbeauftragte Bertelsmann Stiftung)
  • 2011: Miriam Seeger “Zähmung der Flüsse. Staudämme und das Streben nach produktiven Landschaften in China im 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert” (DACHS Heidelberg, Staatsbibliothek Berlin, CrossAsia)
  • 2015: Sun Liying “Body Un/Dis-Covered: Luoti, Editorial Agency and Transcultural Production in Chinese Pictorials (1925-1933)
  • 2018: Emily Mae Graf “Lu Xun on Display: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of World Literary Heritage OR The Materiality of World Literary Heritage: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of Lu Xun”
  • 2018: Petra Thiel “Ein Adoleszenzroman für China: Gattungsdebatten und genderorientierte Untersuchungen ausgesuchter Werke von Cao Wenxuan, Yang Hongying und Guo Jingming (1997-2008)”
  • 2020: Dissertation Marina Rudyak (Erstbetreuung) “Becoming a Donor: National Role Conception, Reform Dynamics and Learning in China’s Foreign Aid System”
  • 2022: Dissertation Federico Picerni (Dual Degree with Venice Ca Foscari) “The Aesthetics of Labour: Social and Textual Practice of the Picun Literature Group” summa

Further Supervisions (PhD thesis in process):

  • Wu I-Wei: Satirezeitschriften des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts (Disputatio, July 2023)
  • Zhang Shimin: Media and Emotions
  • Jonas Schmid: Weltgeschichte für die Schule
  • Rosella Roncati: Chinese Transcultural Feminisms
  • Jia Ruxin: Herstory through Chinese TV Series
  • Xie Jia: Local Language Media
  • Chang Xiaojie: Hong Kong Comical Poetry
  • Liu Chang: On Dakou Music
  • Cheng-wei Chen: Transcultural Feminisms
  • Wang Xiaoxin: Chinese Contemporary Theatre—an Insider’s Perspective
  • Wang Zifei: Chinese Indie Films
  • Lucie Morell: Yangbanxi


  • Oliver Radtke: Chinglish als soziales Phänomen (Head of the China Section, Bosch Foundation)
  • Lei Ping The Art of the Cover
  • Nan Haifen Chinesische Web-Community in Germany
  • Zhao Chanyuan Musical Identities and Crossover
  • Ulrike Büchsel Ritual and Nation in the late Qing
  • Reinhard Straub Nanguan Music in Taiwan
  • Cheng Kun-Teng The Danger of Death: Death Pollution and Order Restoration in 19th century China
  • Chun Chieh Taiwanese Literature
  • Xiong Jingjing Chinese Growing-Up Literature

About 3 dozen finished Co-Supervisions in subjects other than Chinese/Transcultural Studies, External Examiner in e.g. London, Aarhus, Paris, Singapur

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