Zhihong Zhao


Dr. Zhihong Zhao


Dr. Zhihong Zhao
Associate Professor
College of Art, Sichuan University
CSC Visiting Fellow

E-Mail: zhaozhihong@scu.edu.cn

Zhihong Zhao is a historian of urban landscape teaching and researching history, theory, and design at Sichuan University, China. Meanwhile, she teaches and publishes articles on 20th century Chinese painting, the history and practice of art criticism, and the representation of architecture in art and visual culture. She received a Bachelor in the Science of law from the Sichuan Normal University in China (1991), a Master of Fine Arts from the Sichuan University in China (2004), and a PhD in the theory of Literature and Arts from Sichuan University in China (2007). From January 2011 to January 2012, she has been a visiting scholar in Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle. Her book A Guide to Contemporary Public Art was published by the China Commercial Press in 2015. Two books on Chinese artist biography are in preparation.

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Latest Revision: 2024-03-04
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