Taiwan Lecture Series - Wintersemester 2015/16

HS/OS Modern, OS Transcultural Studies:

Taiwan Lecture Series 2015/2016: Culture and Memory - Facets of Taiwan literary Production

This semester’s Taiwan Lecture Series which deals with different aspects of Taiwan literature and will include students’ active participation in creating literary translations that will be read and performed at the workshop in December, their witnessing an academic workshop and active participation in the discussions, and their experiencing a lecture series and learning how to respond critically. The class will be conducted in large parts in Chinese.

Sessions are usually on Thursdays  from 9-11 (see course plan below). The course includes active participation in a workshop (11.-12.12. 2015/Friday evening, Saturday all day). Students are expected to participate in all three parts of the class: the translation workshop (part 1, including their preparing a literary translation which will be performed at the workshop), the workshop on memory and museums (part 2, with students participating as discussants) and the sessions on women writers and the making of a female consciousness in Taiwan literature with Professor Wang Yi-ting (part 3, with the regular seminar preparations, response papers etc.).

Joining the virtual classroom:

Enter as a Guest" on the following website:https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/vtls1516 (Please note: You have to apply to Barbara Mittler for a "Room Passcode")

Rough Outline of the Sessions:

Session 1: Introduction

Date: 15.10.2015
Time: 9:00 - 11:00

Reading material
(Please apply to Prof. Mittler for the access password)

Adobe Lai He - Yinyue Zhuanji

Please prepare translations for the following poems (if possible in German…) : 月光,浪漫外記,相思,相思歌,獄中日記

Part 1: Translation Workshop

Poetry and Short Stories by Lai He

Students will learn how to prepare a literary translation. We will translate both prose and poetry together and discuss each other’s translation strategies.

Session 2
Date: 29.10.2015
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: Institut für Sinologie, R.102

Reading material
(Please apply to Prof. Mittler for the access password)

Adobe Lai He - Xiaoshuojuan
Adobe Lai He - Zajuan Prison Diary

Please read as much as you can of the following short stories:

  • Duonaore (xiaoshuojuan 33-41) MY SUGGESTION FOR OUR TRANSLATION goes well with
  • Yueguang Langman waiji (xioashuojuan 133-149) VERY LONG, but we might want to choose some passages to be translated
  • Prison Diary VERY LONG, but this already is translated into English and we might want to adapt/select some passages in German

Session 3
Date: 12.11.2015
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: Institut für Sinologie, R.102

Session 4
Date: 3.12.2015
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: Institut für Sinologie, R.102

Part 2: Workshop on Literary Memory

Students will participate in all parts of the workshop, serving as discussants. They will have produced some of the translations to be performed in the reading/concert on Saturday evening.

Forging Literary Memory in Taiwan: The Commemoration of Writers in Museum Space


Detailed Programme

VideoWorkshop Impressions (Short Film)

Conference Report in the Newsletter of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature (Chinese)

Session 5
Date: Friday, 11.12.2015
Time: 17:15 - 18:00
Place: KJC, R.212

Marc Andre Matten
| Professor for Contemporary Chinese History, Erlangen-Nürnberg
“Places of the Past and for the Past — Crafting Authentic Memories in the Postmodern Era”

Session 6
Date: Friday, 11.12.2015
Time: 18:15 - 20:00
Place: KJC, R.212

Zhiyi Yang
| Assistant Professor Sinology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
"Poetry as Memory Text: Seven Uses of Memory in the Poems of Wang Zhaoming"
Discussant: Günter Leypoldt (Heidelberg)


Workshop Dinner

Session 7
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 09:00 - 10:15
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Lai Shuo-Yan (賴碩彥)
The Preservation and Publication of Lai Ho’s Unpublished Manuscripts (賴和遺稿的保存與出版)
Discussant: Zhi Geng

Session 8
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 10:15 - 11:30
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Chen Wan-Yi (陳萬益)
Literary Memory and Post-War Taiwanese Identity: The Experience of the Lai Ho Museum and Lai Ho Foundation (文學記憶與戰後台灣人的認同--賴和紀念館和基金會的經驗)

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

11:30 - 11:45


Session 9
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 11:45 - 13:00
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Chou Fu-Yi (周馥儀)
Reading Lai He to Promote the Youth Movement: The Contemporary Embodiment of Lai Ho’s Spirit in Deepening the Youth’s Concern for the Civil Society and the Growth in Public Consciousness(閱讀賴和 青年行動--賴和精神深化青年公共意識的當代實踐)
Discussant: Liu Yanyan

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch break

Session 10
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 14:00 - 15:15
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Chang Tsai-Fang (張綵芳)
When a Writer Memorial Museum becomes a Literature Classroom: How the Lai Ho Memorial Museum Promotes Literary Education (當作家紀念館成為文學教室--賴和紀念館推動文學教育經驗)
Discussant: Zhang Yiqi

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Session 11
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 15:15 - 16:30
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Chee Chiun Sam
Plowing Through the Interior of Literature, Building a Platform between Museums: The Case of the National Museum of Taiwan Literature (深耕文學的內在,搭建友善的館際平台──以國立臺灣文學館為例)
Discussant: Odila Schröder

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

16:30 - 16:45


Session 12
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 16:45 - 18:00
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Emily Graf
Making Room for Literary Memory in Taiwan: The Commemoration of Lai He in Museum Space - A Thought Piece (為台灣的文學記憶創造空間--在紀念館中追憶賴和)
Discussant: Jakob Erlei

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Session 13
Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 18:00 - 18:30
Place: Sinologie, R.201

Concluding Discussion (Chair: Barbara Mittler)
with Chen Guangchen, students of Taiwan Seminar, André Matten and Yang Zhiyi

Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 18:30
Place: Sinologie, R.201


Workshop Reception/Dinner

Date: Saturday, 12.12.2015
Time: 20:00
Place: Völkerkundemuseum, Hauptstraße 235


Concert & Recitation of works by Taiwan Authors
Katharina Schütz | Actor, Hamburg
Wu Yi-Jui (吳易叡) | Winner of the Lai He Music Festival

Lecture Record:

VideoWorkshop Impressions (Short Film, incl. Concert & Recitation)

Part 3: Taiwan Literature and Questions of Gender and Identity

Prof. Wang Yu-ting, Tsing-hua University

In this section of the seminar, students will prepare the readings, writing a short critical summary for each session and responding with questions to the lectures by Professor Wang. These readings are available (with password) below.

The seminar will take place as a virtual lecture series as scheduled below.

Session 14
Date: 13.01.2016
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: R.208

1.中文講題:台港跨文化語境與摩登女郎現象 —談五0、六0年代台灣女作家香港發表現象

2.英文講題:Cultural Exchange between Taiwan and Hong Kong: Literary Career of Female Taiwanese Writers in the 1950s and 60s Hong Kong




6. 原始文獻(作家文本):將提供PDE檔

Reading material
(Please apply to Prof. Mittler for the access password)

Adobe 中國學生周報 - 中華民國47年7月4日
Adobe 演講文獻
Presentation: Cultural Exchange between Taiwan and Hong Kong: Literary Career of Female Taiwanese Writers in the 1950s and 60s Hong Kong

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Session 15
Date: 14.01.2016
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: R.208

1. 中文講題:性別.階級.族群:五○年代女性書寫中的再現政治

2. 英文講題:Gender, Classes and Ethic Groups: Representation Politics of Female Writing in the 1950s Taiwan

3. 講題焦點:本講題從史碧娃克(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)研究來關注知識分子對底層人民之代言/再現議題,並從五○年代女性文學中以台籍家務勞動者和養女議題為主題切入,從再現政治的角度進一步釐清台籍女性的形象,以及梳理這些呈現方式所具有的文化意義,關注知識分子對底層人民之代言/再現議題。

4. 關注文本:繁露《養女湖》(1956)

5. 相關論文:

6. 原始文獻(作家文本):將提供PDE檔、鳳飛飛主演《秋蓮》(1979)

7.Reading material
   (Please apply to Prof. Mittler for the access password)

Intro - Reading Material
Adobe Texts - Reading Material
Video秋蓮 - 01
Video秋蓮 - 02
Presentation: Gender, Classes and Ethic Groups: Representation Politics of Female Writing in the 1950s Taiwan

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Session 16
Date: 21.01.2016
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: R.208

1. 中文講題:想像台灣—五○年代林海音的發言位置及其民俗書寫研究

2. 英文講題:Imagining Taiwan: Speaking Position and Custom Writing of Haiyin Lin in the 1950s Taiwan




6. 原始文獻:林海音於《國語日報‧周末周刊》(1949~1954)之作品、在島嶼寫作作家紀錄片林海音《兩地》

7. Reading material
    (Please apply to Prof. Mittler for the access password)

Intro - Reading Material
Adobe Texts - Reading Material
Video林海音小傳 兩地
Imagining Taiwan: Speaking Position and Custom Writing of Haiyin Lin in the 1950s Taiwan

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Session 17
Date: 28.01.2016
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
Place: R.102

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