Taiwan Lecture Series - Wintersemester 2014/15

HS/OS Modern, OS Transcultural Studies:

China and International Relations Theory: The Perspective from Taiwan (Taiwan Lecture Series)

Das Taiwan Seminar besteht aus regelmäßig stattfindenden Unterrichtsstunden (auf Deutsch oder Englisch) und den unregelmäßig stattfindenden Vorträgen der Taiwan Lecture Series (auf Deutsch, Englisch oder Chinesisch), die zum Teil auch als Online-Classroom gemeinsam mit der Taiwan Daxue realisiert werden. Es geht darum, ein umfassendes Bild der taiwanesischen Gesellschaft, Kultur und Geschichte zu erhalten, um sich dann auf einem Gebiet zu spezialisieren und eine forschungsbasierte Hausarbeit zu schreiben.

Studierende können im Rahmen dieses Seminars einen Hauptseminarschein in der Sinologie oder einen Oberseminarschein für den Master erwerben, indem sie, neben den regulären Unterrichtsstunden, alle auf der Website angekündigten Teile der jeweiligen Lecture Series besuchen. Die Unterrichtsstunden werden wie angekündigt vorbereitet. Zu jeder Vortrags-Sitzung muss die Lektürevorbereitung mit dem Verfassen von Abstracts (300 Worte pro Textlektüre) nachgewiesen werden, am Ende schreiben die Studierenden eine Haupt-/Oberseminararbeit (mit eigener Bibliographier- und Rechercheleistung und unter Berücksichtigung chinesisch-sprachiger Materialien, wie es für eine Hauptseminararbeit verlangt wird).

In Winter Term 2014/15 the Taiwan Lecture Series will focus on “China and International Relations Theory: The Perspective from Taiwan”. The course will deal with Chinese and Asian theories of international relations (IR) and Taiwan’s role in the sinicization of international relations theory.

The course is taught by Professor Shih Chih-yu (石之瑜) of the National Taiwan University (NTU) as online classroom.

Cooperating universities are University of Heidelberg, National Taiwan University, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Cheng Kung University and University of Tübingen.

The course will be taught in English, with readings in English and additional readings in Chinese.

Joining the virtual classroom:

"Enter as a Guest" on the following website:https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/vtls1415 (Please note: You have to apply to Marina Rudyak for a "Room Passcode")

Please note: lecture videos work best with Firefox

Course Outline:

The Balance of Relationship: The Bilateral International Relations

Date: 21.10.2014
Time: 11:30 - 14:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session deals with the doctrines of balance of relationships in Chinese foreign policy - a theory to explain rising China’s consistent good-neighbor attempts, successful or not, and continuous disinterest in global-governance principles is called for.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu and Huang Chiung-chiu, “The Balance of Relationship: The Bilateral International Relations”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

The Place of Nothingness

Date: 28.10.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session deals with the Philosophy of Place within the Kyoto School of Philosophy as an attempt to counter the perceived hegemony of the Anglo-Saxon International Relations Theory.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, “The Place of Nothingness”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

The Two States of Nature in Global Governance: The Buddhist Clues

Date: 04.11.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session examines differences in political thought that help explain why the Chinese understanding of intervention, which is influenced by Confucian, Buddhist, and Daoist traditions, usually appears apologist from the perspective of Western thought.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, ” The Two States of Nature in Global Governance: The Buddhist Clues”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Relations and Balance: Confucian Constitutionalism in Taiwan

Date: 11.11.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session introduces the theory of relations and balances, a self-restraint stemming from Confucianism, which can exist alongside the familiar theory of checks and balances or the related idea of separation of powers in the Western political thoughts in constitutional democracy.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, “Relations and Balances: Confucian Constitutionalism in Taiwan”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Comparative Grand Strategy and China’s Taiwan Policy

Date: 18.11.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session introduces notion of national role style as the source of strategic goal in order to examine the grand strategy of China as a rising power and compared with its American counterpart.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu and Huang Chiung-chiu, “Comparative Grand Strategy and China’s Taiwan Policy”

Asymmetry: The Taiwan Experiences

Date: 25.11.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session examines theoretically, how a weak party can possess the sense of efficacy to confront a strong counterpart in an asymmetric relationship (such as Taiwan – China).

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, “Asymmetry: The Taiwan Experiences”

Asymmetry: Harmonious Intervention

Date: 02.12.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session focuses on the issue of international intervention, China’s nonintervention policies and the understanding of Chinese patterns of intervention from its function of balance of relationship whenever balance of power is eclipsed by practices.

Adobe Huang Chiung-chiu and Shih Chih-yu, “Asymmetry: Harmonious Intervention”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

The Taiwanese Reappraisal of the Chinese International Relations

Date: 09.12.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session examines the ways in which Chinese IR’s emerging indigenous theories and concepts (such as harmony, Tianxia, or non-traditional/new security) have been received by Taiwan’s IR scholarship and how they impact Taiwan’s IR theory.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu and Chen Ching-chang, “The Taiwanese Reappraisal on Chinese IR”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Taiwan’s Postcolonial Scholarship on China

Date: 16.12.2014
Time: 10:30 - 13:20
Place: Institute for Chinese Studies, R. 201

The session introduces China scholarship in Taiwan. It provides an understanding of the process with which the historically derived approaches (strategic shifting among the Japanese, American, and Chinese approaches to China, as well as their combination and recombination) inform the China scholarship in Taiwan through the mechanism of encountering.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, “Taiwan’s Postcolonial Scholarship on China Studies”

Lecture Record:

VideoLecture Record

Additional Sessions:

At the NTU, the course will run from 16.09. to 06.01.2015. Interested students are encouraged to read the materials for these lectures. Video recording of the lectures will be made accessible on this website. 


Balance of Power and International system (Introduction to the series)

Date: 16.09.2014

(Introductory session, no script)


Externer InhaltLecture Record


Post-Hybridity and Non-synthetic Temporality: Mini Cycles

Date: 23.09.2014

The term hybridity, one of the most popular concepts in international, ethnic, migrant, cultural and civilizational studies of the 21st century, is losing its critical potential. The session discusses the problem of the term hybridity and the notion of post-hybridity (the Kyoto School and the Balance of Relationship cycles).

Adobe Shih Chih-yu and Ikeda Josuke, “Post-hybridity and Non-synthetic Temporality”

Externer InhaltLecture Record

Governance, Governmentality, and Governability: Grand Cycles

Date: 30.09.2014

The session introduces China’s approach to non-interventionism in world affairs trough the prism of ‘governability’ thought: a vision of ‘global governance’ based not on the creation of universalizing norms and values, but on the acceptance of diversity and the legitimacy of difference.

Adobe Shih, Chih-yu and Yeophantong, Pichamon, “Governance, Governmentality, and Governability”

Externer InhaltLecture Record

The Asian Schools of International Relations

Date: 07.10.2014

The session discusses the perspectives beyond Western and Chinese IR and introduces Indian, Australian, Korean, Taiwanese, Australian, Southeast Asian, and Japanese approaches.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, “Asian School of International Relations”

Externer InhaltLecture Record

From Culture to Civilization: The International Relations for the Declining Power

Date: 14.10.2014

The session focuses on re-evaluation and rethinking of the existing structural perspective on the threat of rising powers to the international system, and the implications of such threats for conflict resolution research.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu and Wang Hung-jen, “The Chinese Uni-bilateralism”

Externer InhaltLecture Record

From Culture to Civilization: The IR for the Declining Power

Date: 23.12.2014

The session discusses how, in addition to current international relations theory, historical cases are also useful in answering these questions will rising China and global politics adapt to each other.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu and Chang Chih-yun, “From Culture to Civilization: The IR for the Declining Power”

Rise of China and Individualized International Relations

Date: 30.12.2014

The session introduces the concept of Sinicization as a process of civilizational evolution, in the context of the encounter between Chinese and other civilizations.

Adobe Shih Chih-yu, “Rise of China and Individualized International Relations”

Feedback and Discussion Session

Date: 06.01.2015

(No script)

Suggested additional readings:

Zhao Tingyang 趙汀陽, Tianxia tixi: Shijie zhidu zhexue daolun 天下體系:世界制度哲學導論 (The Tianxia system: a philosophy fort he world), Nanjing: Jiangsu jiaoyu chubanshe 江蘇教育出版社, 2005.

Wang Yizhou 王逸舟, Chuangzaxing jieru: Zhongguo zhi quanqiu juese de shengchang 創造性的介入:中國之全球角色的生成 (Creative involvement: evolution of China’s global role), Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe 北京大學出版社, 2013.

Yan Xuetong閻學通,Xia yige shi nian: Quanqiu bianju da yuce 下一個十年:全球變局大預測 (Next decade: the forecast of global order), Xinbei shi: Baqi wenhua 霸氣文化, 2013.

Qin Yaqing秦亞青,Guanxi yu guocheng: Zhongguo guoji guanxi lilun de wenhua jiangou 關系與過程︰中國國際關系理論的文化建構 (Relationality and Processual Construction: Bringing Chinese Ideas into International Relations Theory), Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社, 2012.


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