Taiwan Lecture Series - Summer Term 2010

part 1: Chang, Mau-kuei
part 2: Taiwanese writers
part 3: Shen Tung
part 4: Chang Yachung & Lin Ching-chang

Das Taiwan/Greater China-Seminar in diesem Semester findet wie unten folgt statt. Eine ANMELDUNG bei Frau Prof. Mittler ist erforderlich!

Studenten koennen in diesem Seminar einen Hauptseminarschein (auch Ostasien-Hauptseminar) erwerben, wenn sie bei Frau Prof. Mittler eine Hauptseminararbeit (mit Nutzung originalsprachlicher Quellen) schreiben und zu jeder Seminarstunde die vorzubereitenden Materialien lesen und ein kurzes Abstract pro Lesetext (ca 200 Woerter) abgeben.

Das Seminar setzt sich aus mehreren Teilen zusammen:

Teil 1: Chang, Mau-kuei (Academia Sinica)

A. On the Study of Multi-culturalism and Waishengren (mainlander Chinese in Taiwan)

1. A Discursive Approach to the formation of Multiculturalism Politics in Taiwan

Datum: 25.05.2010
Zeit: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Sinologie, R 201


Chang, Mau-kuei: “On the Formation and Problems of the Discourses of ‘Pluralism’ and ‘Muti-Culturalism’ in Taiwan.” In Xue Tian-dong (ed.) The Future Taiwan, 2002, 223-275. Taipei: Huatai Pub.(Chinese)

Chang, Mau-kuei: “The Politics and Movement of Multiculturalism in Taiwan” (〈台湾における多文化主義政治と運動〉(田上智宣・竹内孝之・ 佐藤幸人訳),第四章,《ポスト民主化期の台湾政治—陳水扁政権の8年》— 若林正丈編,IDE─JETRO (original in Chinese, published in Japanese), 2009

2. Waishengren: the people and the nation

Datum: 25.05.2010
Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Sinologie, R 201

(Covering my recent research on Dachen people, identity and nation, and digital archiving works on home-bound movement, and white-terror victims)

B. Cross Languages and Cross Cultures Studies: On issues of “indigenization” and “globalization” of Sociology (the “native’s” reflections)

Datum: 26.05.2010
Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Karl Jasper Centre, R 112


Chang, Mau-kuei: “The Movement to Indigenize Social Sciences in Taiwan: the Origin and Predicament.”, 2005. Book chapter to be included in A-qin Hsiau and John Makeham (eds.): Localism and Nationalism in Taiwan , Palgrave/ Macmillan.

Chang, Mau-kuei: “The Contextualization of Sociological Research: Beyond the Dualism of Indigenization vs. Internationalization.”, 2002, Cultural Study Monthly (an E-journal), 11, Jan. (Chinese)

Teil 2: Vorträge taiwanischer Schriftsteller

A. Tu, Hsiou-ching 杜秀卿: Editing and Publishing Literary Magazines in Taiwan (台灣文學雜誌的編輯與出版)

Datum: 09.06.2010
Zeit: 11:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Sinologie, R. 201

Tu is currently the vice editor in chief of the Wen-Hsun magazine. She graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University. In addition to serving as editor for more than ten years at publishing house and magazine company, she has worked as project planner in a communication company, was executive editor of The Almanac of Taiwan Literature 1996-1999, assistant editor of the “Republic of China Writers/Works Catalogue 1999”, editor of The human landscape‧Chen Ying-zhen and Listening to the Sea beyond the Woods-An Exhibition of the Lin Hai-yin Archives.

國立台灣大學中文系畢業。現任《文訊》雜誌副總編輯。曾任傳播 公司文字企畫,從事出版社、雜誌社編輯工作十多年,擔任專案助理及編輯,包括:《1996~1999台灣文學年鑑》執行編輯、「中華民國作家作品目錄 1999」專任助理、《人間風景‧陳映真》責任編輯、《穿越林間聽海音——林海音文學展展覽圖錄》執行編輯等。

封德屏《試論文學雜誌的專題設計》 Feng, Deping “On How to Plan a Special Project in Literary Magazines “) (Chinese)

B. Rapongan Syaman 夏曼藍波安: "The Ocean People and My Literature" (海洋民族與我的文學)

Datum: 09.06.2010
Zeit: 14:00-16:00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Sinologie, R. 201

 Werk und Stil/作品風格

 海洋民族與我的文學」摘要 (Abstract; Chinese, English)
 《黑色的翅膀》 第一章 (Leseprobe; Chinese)
 Schwarze Flügel Übersetzung (Leseprobe; German translation)
 夏曼‧藍波安《黑潮的親子舟》 (Leseprobe; Chinese)

Teil 3: Shen Tung (Taiwan University)

A. Music Taipei vs. Music Shanghai: A Historic Overview on the Dissemination of Popular Songs from Shanghai to Taipei in the 20th Century.

Datum: 17.06.2010
Zeit: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Karl Jasper Center R 212


B. 縱任不拘與風韻清遠:東晉南北朝的士族與琴.

Datum: 17.06.2010
Zeit: 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Karl Jasper Center R. 212

 沈冬:《纵任不拘》 与 《风韵清远》 —东晋南朝的士族与琴

Teil 4: Lectures by Chang Yachung and Lin Ching-chang

A. Chang Yachung 張亞中: 兩岸和平論述

Datum: 21.7.2010
Zeit: 15:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Ort: Karl Jasper Center, R. 212

 Basic Agreement on peaceful cross-strait Development
 Commentary on “A Modest Proposal for a Basic Agreement on Peaceful Cross-Strait Development” by Chang Ya-chung

B. Lin Ching-chang 林慶彰 et al. (Academia Sinica, Taipei): "Taiwan yanjiu gejing de gaikuang" 臺灣研究 各經的概況

Datum: 26.7.2010
Zeit: 13:00 s.t. - 14:00 Uhr
Ort: Institut für Sinologie, R 136

 CV Members of Academia Sinica
 Academia Sinica Classics Working Group

Last edited by: AF
Latest Revision: 2018-06-08
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