Prof. Dr. Judit Árokay

Research Interests
Main publications









  • 1990 M.A. in English and German linguistics and literature at Eötvös-Loránd-University, Budapest.
  • 1994 M.A. in Japanese Studies and German Literature at the University of Hamburg, Germany.
  • 1998 Doctors Degree with a thesis about the reception of classical Japanese women’s poetry in the Middle Ages at the University of Hamburg.
  • 1998—2004 Assistant Professor at the Institute for Japanese Studies at the University of Hamburg.
  • 2004—2007 Assistant Professor at the Institute for Japanese Studies at Free University Berlin.
  • 2007 Habilitation with a thesis about the modernization of poetic expression in Japan during the late 18th and early 19th century.
  • Since Oct. 2007 full professor in Japanese Studies at the University of Heidelberg.

Research Interests

Her research focuses on pre-modern Japanese literature, with a focus on waka poetry and poetic theory (karon, kagaku). In her doctoral dissertation Poetics and Feminity (Hamburg, 2001) she has examined the reception of Heian period Japanese women poets in poetics of the 10th to the 15th century, several articles treat intertextual features and rhetorical elements of waka poetry. Her recent research covers the poetic theory of the late Edo period and has resulted in a book on theoretical approaches to language and the evolution of waka rhetoric (München, 2010).
2015/16 she was fellow at the interdisciplinary Marsilius Kolleg at Heidelberg University where she has developed the concept for and has been working on an interactive digital map of poetic places (utamakura/meisho) in Japan.
Further research interests are performance theory in Japanese cultural studies (, 2014) and the early reception of Japanese literature in the West, especially in German speaking countries

Main publications

Edited with Rebecca Mak: Die Performanztheorie in der japanologischen Kulturwissenschaft: Themen und Ansätze (Performance theory in Japanese Studies: Topics and approaches). Heidelberg: Bunron – Journal of Japanese Literary Studies (Open Access Journal, 2014.

Edited with Jadranka Gvozdanovic und Darja Miyajima: Divided Languages? Diglossia, Translation and the Rise of Modernity. Heidelberg: Springer 2014.

„Discourse on Poetic Language in Early Modern Japan and the Awareness of Linguistic Change”, in: Árokay/Gvozdanovic/Miyajima (eds.): Divided Languages? Diglossia, Translation and the Rise of Modernity. Heidelberg: Springer 2014: p. 89-104.

Die Erneuerung der poetischen Sprache: Poetologische und sprachtheoretische Diskurse der späten Edo-Zeit (The evolution of poetic language: poetological and theoretical approaches to language in the late Edo-period), München: iudicum 2010.

「ドイツ語圏における『源氏物語』翻訳と受容」(Zu den Übersetzungen und zur Rezeption des Genji monogatari in deutschsprachigen Ländern)、『世界の中の『源氏物語』―その普遍性と現代性―』Kyōto: Rinsen shoten 2010, S. 127-146.

Poetik und Weiblichkeit. Japans klassische Dichterinnen in Poetiken des 10. bis 15. Jahrhunderts (Poetics and feminity: The reception of classical Japanese women poets in poetics of the 10th to the 15th century), Hamburg: OAG 2001.

Full list of publications
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