






(Freitext innerhalb Ostasien-Pools)


(Personen: NUR Nachname)
Melanie Trede

Prof. Dr. Melanie Trede


Asia Europe Signet

Asien und Europa im Globalen Context




Gegenwärtige Aktivitäten (2012 – 2017)

Projekte (2007 – 2012)

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SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen

Weitere Projekte

  • Pilotprojekt zur Optimierung digitaler Darstellung beweglicher Bild- und Textformate (März 2014 – Februar 2015)
  • “Muster und Musterbildung” (Patterns and Formations of Patterns),
    Interdisciplinary Research Group within the Fellowship Year April 2013 – September 2014, Marsilius Kolleg, Heidelberg University
  • “Bildkulturen” (Cultures of Images),
    interdisciplinary research group, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (2008 – 2011)
  • “Religions and Gender in Medieval Buddhist Tales and their Reception in later pictorial narratives,” organised by Ikeda Shinobu, Chiba University (since 2008)
  • “Studies of Women Artists and Images of Women in Modern Japan”, organised by Ikeda Shinobu, Chiba University, and Mabuchi Akiko, Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo (Summer 2003 – 2006).
  • “Collecting Materials and Producing an Iconographic Index of Early Modern Japanese Printed Model Books in Foreign Collections”, organised by Ôta Shôko, Kanazawa Art University (Spring 2003 – 2006)

Organisation von Panels und Symposien, Vortragsreihen

  • July 18 – 19, 2013
    „Papier im Labor. Materialwissenschaftliche Analyse und Restaurierungserkenntnisse im interkulturellen Vergleich“, [Paper in the Laboratory: Analyses in material sciences and Insights from Restorations in an Intercultural Comparison], Workshop, organizer, including projects A06 and C06 of the SFB 933 “Material Text Cultures”, Heidelberg University
  • January 11, 2013
    “En-Framing Objects in Transcultural Exchange Processes between Japan, China, and Europe,” workshop, organizer, Cluster of Excellence, “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” Heidelberg University
  • October 11, 2012
    Panel II: Multiple Materialities: Local, National, Global. Chair, Annual Conference “Things That Connect: Pathways of Materiality and Practice”, Cluster of Excellence, Heidelberg University
  • Since Spring 2005 – present
    Institutionalization and Organization of the “Ishibashi Visiting Professorship in Japanese Art History” at Heidelberg University, sponsored by the Ishibashi Foundation, Tokyo, filled every semester with scholars from Japan, Europe and the US
  • September / October 2012
    “Art”, Section organizer of the 15th Japanese Studies Conference in Germany, University of Zurich
  • July 10 – 12, 2010
    "Living Legacies: The History of East Asian Art Reconsidered", international conference in honour of Lothar Ledderose, organizer, Heidelberg University
  • April – July, 2010
    “Multi-centred modernisms – reconfiguring art of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries” lecture series. Co-organizer with Monica Juneja, Christiane Brosius; cluster of excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context,” Heidelberg University
  • December 16 / 17, 2009
    “Gender and Body in the Contemporary Arts“ international workshop, organizer, cluster of excellence, Heidelberg University
  • September / October 2009
    “Art”, Section organizer of the 14th Japanese Studies Conference in Germany, University of Halle-Wittenberg
  • June 10, 2009
    New Perspectives on pictorial narratives in Japan
    organizer, international workshop, Institute of East Asian Art History, Heidelberg University
  • June 8 / 9, 2009
    “Representations of Sexualities in Asian and European cultures“, international workshop, organizer, cluster of excellence, Heidelberg University
  • April 20 / 21, 2009
    “Theorizing Gender in a Transcultural World”, international workshop, organizer, cluster of excellence, Heidelberg University
  • July 2007
    “Gender and Art history in a Global Context”, international workshop, organizer, Heidelberg University
  • August / September 2005
    “No Borders to Cross: Challenging the Buddhist/Shinto, Sacred/Secular, and other (Alleged) Divides in Artistic Representations of Divinities,” panel, co-organiser with Cynthea Bogel, 11th Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies, Vienna
  • October 26, 2004
    “Second Chino Kaori Memorial `New Visions` Lecture” featuring Linda Nochlin: “Women Artists: The Japanese Impulse,” Heidelberg University
  • March 29, 2003
    “Objects in Pieces: The Culture of the Fragment in Japan”, panel, organizer The Association of Asian Studies, New York City
  • March 22 and 23, 2003
    “Critical Horizons: A Symposium on Japanese Art in Memory of Chino Kaori”, international symposium, co-organizer with Melissa McCormick, and Joshua Mostow, co-hosted by Columbia University and the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University
  • August 11, 2001
    “The Politics of Art Patronage in Japan,” panel, co-organizer with Alexander Hofmann, Second International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS), Berlin
  • September 1999 - June 2002
    Program director for the lecture series of the Ukiyo-e Society of America, Inc. in New York and elsewhere
  • May 1, 2000
    “Collecting ‘art’ in pre-Meiji Japan”, international workshop, organizer, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York, the Mary Griggs Burke Foundation and private sponsors.
  • February 20, 1999
    “Expanding Edo Art”, international workshop, Co-organizer with Henry D. Smith II, Columbia University; sponsored by the Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture, and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University
  • October / November, 1997
    three-week-fieldtrip to Japan for 15 graduate students, organizer, Heidelberg University
Verantwortlich: SH
Letzte Änderung: 29.02.2024
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