






(Freitext innerhalb Ostasien-Pools)


(Personen: NUR Nachname)

Prof. Dr. Lothar Ledderose

Curriculum Vitae

Lothar Ledderose was born on 12 July 1942 in Munich. He was the chaired Professor of East Asian art history at Heidelberg University, a position he has held since 1976 until 2010. Lothar Ledderose was educated at the humanistic Apostelgymnasium, Cologne. From 1961-1969 he studied East Asian art history, European art history, Sinology, and Japanology at universities in Cologne, Bonn, Paris, Taipei, Heidelberg. PhD 1969, Heidelberg.


Professional career

2010 Senior professor, Heidelberg University
2005 research project "Buddhist Stone Sutras in China", Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
1996 Corresponding Fellow, British Academy
1986 Member, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
1984 Corresponding Member, German Archaeological Institute
1976 Chair, East Asian Art History, Heidelberg University
1976 Habilitation, University of Cologne
1975 / 76 Research Position, Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Berlin
1973 - 75 Research Fellow, Institute for Oriental Culture, Tokyo University
1971 / 72 Translator, National Palace Museum, Taipei

1969 - 71

Post-doctoral studies in Princeton and Harvard


Academic administration

1986 President, International Congress of Asian and North-African Studies (ICANAS), Hamburg
1984 - 90 President, German Oriental Society (Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft)
1978 - 84,
1990 - 96
Vice president, German Oriental Society (Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft)
1978 Dean, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Heidelberg University


Curated exhibitions with scholarly catalogues

1993 Japan und Europa – 1543-1929. Berlin (with Doris Croissant).Visited by their imperial Highnesses, the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
Jenseits der Großen Mauer. Der Erste Kaiser von China und seine Terrakotta-Armee. Dortmund (with Adele Schlombs).
Palastmuseum Peking. Schätze Aus der Verbotenen Stadt. Berlin, Vienna (with Herbert Butz). 390.000 visitors in Berlin, most successful exhibition of the year in Germany.
Im Schatten Hoher Bäume. Baden-Baden, Cologne, Hamburg. First loan exhibition of traditional painting sent from China to Europe.


Fellowships, guest professorships

2013 guest professor, China Art Academy, Hangzhou
2006 - 07 Fellow, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
2000 - 01 scholar, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
1998 Mellon Lecturer, National Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1997 guest professor, Kyoto University
1997 guest professor, Taiwan National University
1996 guest professor, University of Chicago
1994 Murphy Lecturer, University of Kansas
1992 Slade Professor, Cambridge University
1990 - 91 Senior Mellon Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery,
Washington, D.C.
1983 - 84 Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin



2024 Prix Léon Vandermeersch, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris
2023 West-Lake Friendship Prize of Zhejiang Province
2015 Numata Toshihide Book Prize
(together with Sun Hua)
2014 Ambassador of Shaanxi Cultural Heritage
2014 Advisor, National Palace Museum Beijing
2011 Heisenberg medal of Humboldt Foundation
2005 Balzan prize
2002 Joseph Levenson Book Prize
1996 Fellow British Academy
1995 Medal Francois I, Collège de France


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