European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts
The European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts (EASCM) initiates, encourages, and facilitates academic research and communication on Chinese manuscripts.
The word “European” in the name of the Association refers to the seat of the Association, not to a regional restriction of either membership or activities. EASCM facilitates academic exchange between scholars working on Chinese manuscripts within Europe, but it also creates and expands contacts with other associations, institutions, and individuals outside of Europe, who are also engaged in research on Chinese manuscripts.
The word “Manuscripts” includes all writings of Chinese script made by hand in or on materials such as bamboo, wood, silk, paper, or bone, stone, or metal using, for instance, a brush and ink, a stylus, knife, or a pen, etc. Thus, it includes a large part of the category that is often termed "inscriptions" but no cast or inlaid characters and no prints. The idea behind this is that Chinese characters written by hand using whatever tool and on whatever medium share certain characteristics that deserve our attention. Thus writings in languages other than Chinese are also not excluded as long as they also use the Chinese script. Moreover, the studied manuscripts may date from any historical period.
The Association organizes academic meetings on topics within the larger focus on Chinese manuscripts. Three workshops have taken place to date. A fourth workshop is in preparation.
At the first Tomb Text Workshop in Hamburg, in 2000, a wide range of scholars gathered to discuss various aspects of Chinese manuscripts. The debate continued with a second Tomb Text Workshop in Hamburg, in 2004. The unabated success of these meetings, as well as the increasing importance of early Chinese manuscripts called for a more permanent framework that would facilitate exchange among scholars in Europe where this kind of research has only just begun to gather momentum. Hence, during the latter meeting the European Association for the Study of Chinese Manuscripts (EASCM) was founded. Select conference contributions of all the workshops are published in the renowned academic journals such as Monumenta Serica and Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques.
The Association’s newsletter, issued in irregular instalments, reports about the activities and the status of the association as need arises. It also provides a forum for scholarly notes, exchanges, or even longer research articles, for sharing information on conferences, workshops, internet and print publications.
For day-to-day communication, the association maintains a mailing list, accessible for members only.
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