Hanno Lecher

Curriculum vitae

Working experience

from Sep. 2009

Head librarian, East Asian Library, Heidelberg University, Germany

2003 - 2009

Head librarian, Institute of Chinese Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands

1997 - 2003

Head librarian, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University, Germany

1992 - 1997

Librarian, Department of Chinese Studies, Vienna University, Austria

Professional activities

2009 - to date

Manager, Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS).

1995 - to date

General editor, "China WWW Virtual Library - Internet Guide for China Studies" (part of the WWW Virtual Library Project and the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library, Australian National University, Australia).

2006 - 2009

Chairman, European Association of Sinological Librarians.

2005 - 2009

Member, Advisory Board Information Technology, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University.

2003 - 2009

Manager, Leiden Division of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS - Leiden).

2001 - 2003

Manager, Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS).

2001 - 2003

Manager, European Center for Digital Resources in Chinese Studies.

1999 - 2002

Elected member of the Council of the WWW Virtual Library (term of office: Dec. 1999 - Dec. 2002).

1995 - 1996

Research assistant at the project "Methods of Field Research in East Asian Studies", conducted by the Dept. of Chinese Studies, Japanology and Economic and Social Science at Vienna University, Austria (partly funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Taiwan R.O.C.).


1996 - 1997

Post-graduate course on Historical Anthropology (Dept. for Interdisciplinary Research and Advanced Training, Universities of Innsbruck, Klagenfurt and Vienna).

Jan. 1995

Graduated as Mag.phil. (i.e. M.A.) in Sinology and Japanology (passed with distinction).

1988 - 1995

Vienna University (Sinology; Japanology; German Philology).

1984 - 1986

Vienna University, studies in Sinology, Journalism and Science of Communication, and Japanology.


  • AAS (Association of Asian Studies)
  • CEAL (Council on East Asian Librarians)
  • EACS (European Association for Chinese Studies)
  • EASL (European Association of Sinological Librarians)
  • WWWVL (World Wide Web Virtual Library; elected member of the Council)


"Small scale academic Web archiving". In: Julien Masanès (ed.), Web Archiving. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2006.

"Everything is not lost. The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS)". In: IIAS Newsletter 33 (Nov. 2003).

"Preserving the Chinese Internet: The DACHS Project". In: D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Jan. 2003).

"Goliath, David, oder doch nur Sisyphus? Über das Ansinnen einer Seminarbibliothek, modernen Forschungsbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden". In: Theke 2000 (Dez. 2000), pp. 100-105.

"The World Wide Web as a Resource for Chinese Studies. An Introduction to the Internet Guide for China Studies". In: IIAS Newsletter 15 (Spring 1998).

"China im Netz. Informationen über China im Internet". In: Das Neue China 25.1 (March 1998), pp. 8-9.

"The Internet Guide for China Studies. An Introduction". In: Chinesisch und Computer 10 (1997), pp. 13-16.

In collaboration with Führer, Bernhard: "Sinology in Austria". In: European Association of Chinese Studies Survey 6 (1997): Dutch, Belgian, Swiss and Austrian Sinology (has still not appeared yet!).

"Methoden der Feldforschung in den Ostasienwissenschaften. Sozialwissenschaftliche Grundlagen und regionalwissenschafltiche Besonderheiten". Wien, Universität Wien 1996.
(English title: "Methods of Field Research in East Asian Studies. Social Science Methods in the Context of Area Studies")

Conferences & Talks

"Web archive and citation repository in one: DACHS". missing links: the enduring web (JISC, the DPC and the UK Web Archiving Consortium Workshop), London, 21. Jul. 2009 (invited paper).


"Roter Faden oder schwarzes Loch? Anforderungen an Fachinformationsführer und Möglichkeiten zu deren Umsetzung" (paper given at the Fachtagung CrossAsia, Heidelberg, 7.-8. Nov. 2008).


"Informant networks, alarm systems, and research contributors. Selection and ingest process for the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies"
(paper given at the international conference Archiving Web Resources - Issues for Cultural Heritage Institutions, Canberra, 9-11 Nov 2004).

"Abstauben, einräumen, ausleihen - war da noch was? Entwurf einer modernen (sinologischen) Bibliothek"
(paper given at the Department of Chinese Studies, Vienna University, Austria, 10 Dec 2002).

"A library for Chinese Studies - developments, concepts, challenges"
(paper given at the Department of Chinese Languages and Cultures, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 2 Sep 2002).

"Preserving current public discourse for the future: The Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS)"
(paper given at the international conference on Digital Library - IT Opportunities and Challenges in the New Millenium, Beijing, 8-12 Jul 2002).

"The Global Library for Chinese Studies - Vision, Nightmare, or Illusion Anyway?"
(paper given at the 2nd International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Berlin, 9-12 Aug 2001).

"Mögliche Aufgaben einer Taskforce"
(paper given at the workshop CJK-Fachbibliotheken auf dem Weg in die Verbünde: Workshop zur Schaffung eines einheitlichen Katalogs für chinesische, japanische und koreanische (CJK-) Literatur in Deutschland und die Mehrschriftlichkeit der Verbundkataloge, Hamburg, May 2001).

"The end of cataloging the World Wide Web? On the future of database driven Internet Research Guides"
(paper given at the Council on East Asian Librarians (CEAL) 2001 Annual Meeting in Chicago, Mar. 2001).

"Tracking sinological literature within Europe - is improvement in sight?"
(paper given together with Friederike Schimmelpfennig as representatives of EASL (European Association of Sinological Librarians) at the XIIIth European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS) Conference in Torino, Aug./Sep. 2000).

"Toys and Tools - the potential of fulltext databases"
(paper given together with Michael Luedke at the workshop Text and Commentary in Imperial China in Heidelberg, 14-17 June 2000).

Organization of the 5th Workshop on Chinese & Computer, Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, 9-10 Oct 1999.

"The European Contribution to Internet Resources on Chinese Language and Culture" (in Chinese)
(keynote speech at the International Conference on Internet Chinese Education, Taipei, Taiwan, 23 May 1999).

"Ein Knowledge Network für die europäische Sinologie: Eine Vision"
(paper given together with Friederike Schimmelpfennig at the 4th Workshop on Chinese & Computer, Univ. of Muenster, Germany, 18 Oct 1998).

"'China im Netz'. Chinas Anbindung an das Internet"
(Club International Universitaire, Vienna Univ., 24 June 1997).


"Play in China: Historical views of dice, cards and game boards" (28. Feb. 2007 - 31. Okt. 2007). Konzept und Gestaltung: Hanno Lecher und Oliver Moore, Universität Leiden; Einführung und Katalogtexte: Oliver Moore.


"Imagine! The many faces of music in contemporary China: photos, objects, sound, and performances" (10. Okt. 2005 - 5. Feb. 2007). Konzept und Gestaltung: Hanno Lecher; Einführung und Katalogtexte: Frank Kouwenhoven, CHIME (European Foundation For Chinese Music Research).


"'To Read Too Many Books is Harmful' (Mao Zedong): Books in Chinese Propaganda Posters. Objects of Veneration, Subjects of Destruction" (7. Dez. 2004 - 30. Juni 2005). Konzept und Gestaltung: Hanno Lecher; Einführung und Katalogtexte: Stefan Landsberger, Universität Leiden).


WWW activities


  • Manager of the Leiden Division of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS - Leiden) (since Nov. 2003).
  • The China WWW Virtual Library - Internet Guide for Chinese Studies (since Nov. 1995).


  • VerreTaal - Chinese Literature in Dutch Translation (published March 2008)
  • Manager of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies (DACHS) (Aug. 2001 - Mar. 2003).
  • Manager of the European Center for Digital Resources in Chinese Studies ( (July 2001 - Mar. 2003).
  • Elected to the Council of the WWW Virtual Library (Dec. 1999 - Dec. 2002).
  • Concept and development of the web pages of the Cross-Cultural Leadership Forum, an international non-profit foundation cooperating with universities in North America (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Central Michigan University), Europe (Heidelberg University) and Asia (Qinghua University), and sponsored by the Klaus Tschira Foundation, SAP AG and IBM (Feb. 1999 - Mar. 2000).
  • Webpages of the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany (Nov. 1998 - Mar. 2003).
  • Concept and development of the web pages of the Asia Europe Young Leaders Symposium II, to be held in Vienna, May 1998 (on behalf of the Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria).
  • Singapore WWW Virtual Library (Nov. 1996 - Jan. 1998).
  • Webpages of the Department of Chinese Studies, Vienna University (Apr. 1996 - Nov. 1997).
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