
Edited Works
Co-edited Works
Forthcoming Articles
Forthcoming Reviews
Talks and Papers
Dictionary Entries


  • Ästhetik der Erinnerung: Tod, Trauer und Identität in der chinesischen Epitaphkultur. Mainz: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, in press.
  • Turning Language on Itself: Quotation and Allusion in Early Chinese Parallel Prose. Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, forthcoming.
  • Vox intexta: Stanzaic Architecture and Poetic Synthesis in the Odes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, forthcoming.
  • Resexualizing the Desexualizied: The Language of Desire and Erotic Love in the Classic of Odes. Rivista degli studi orientali 78.3. Pisa and Rome: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2007. (281 p.)
  • Volksliedideologie und Liedkultur in der Han-Zeit: Die Entdeckung der volkstümlichen Stimme für den höfischen Kunstgenuß. Magister’s thesis, University of Heidelberg, 1999. (323 p.)

Edited works

  • Writing Out Identity: Individual Claims, Group Perceptions and Socio-Cultural Constructions of the Self in Asian Literatures. Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2016.

Coedited works

  • With Paolo Santangelo. From Skin to Heart: Perceptions of Emotions and Bodily Sensations in Traditional Chinese Culture. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006.

Forthcoming Articles in Academic Journals and Multi-Authored Volumes

  • "Kinds of Love: Early Chinese Orders of Human Loving and Normative Ethics" (forthcoming)
  • "What Do We Need?: Hierarchies of Desires in Early China" (forthcoming)
  • “The Logic of Implication: Terminological Problems of the Affective Lexicon—A Sinological Position,” 2012, forthcoming.
  • “Pilgerreise, Marsch, Entwurzelung: Aspekte der Naturbegegnung in der Lieddichtung des frühen chinesischen Mittelalters” (Pilgrimage, March, Displacement: Encounters with Nature in Early Medieval Chinese Music Bureau Poetry), in “Bericht von den Grenzen der bekannten und unbekannten Welt”: China zwischen Ost und West, ed. Stephan Peter Bumbacher (Basel: Schwabe), 235–257, in press.

Forthcoming Reviews and Review Articles


  • “Ritual and Religion in Xunzi: Theoretical and Methodological Ramifications of Modern Scholarship on Xunzi (ca. 315-ca. 220 B.C.E.).” Review article of T.C. Kline III and Justin Tiwald, eds., Ritual and Religion in the Xunzi, SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2014), Monumenta Serica 2018 (forthcoming).

Articles in Academic Journals and Multi-Authored Volumes

  • “Introduction: Conceptualizations and Issues of Self and Identity Across Cultures and Texts.” In Writing and Identity: Individual Claims, Group Perceptions and Socio-Cultural Constructions of the Self in Asian Literatures, edited by Ulrike Middendorf, 1–20. Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2016.
  • “Negative Poetics, Implication, Indirection: Self and Identity in ‘Bo zhou’ (‘Cypress Boat’).” In Writing and Identity: Individual Claims, Group Perceptions and Socio-Cultural Constructions of the Self in Asian Literatures, edited by Ulrike Middendorf, 21–43. Gossenberg: Ostasien Verlag, 2016.
  • “Qingxu de zhixu: Guodian Xing zi ming chu yu xiangguan wenxian zhong de yuyan he xingqing” 情緒的秩序:郭店《性自命出》與相關文獻中的語言和性情 (The Order of Emotion: Language and Affectivity in the Guodian Xing zi ming chu and Related Excavated Texts). In Rao Zongyi guoxueyuan yuankan 饒宗頤國學院院刊 (Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology) 1 (2014): 233–296.
  • “Negation and Negativity in Shijing Poetry: Some Notes on the Verbal Art of Negative Expressions in Early Chinese Language and Literature.” In Zhongguo shige chuantong yu wenben 中國詩歌傳統與文本 (Poetic Legacy and Textual Studies in Pre-Modern China), edited by Chen Zhi 陳致, 98–146. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2013.
  • Shijing zhong de fouding he foudingxing: Lun zaoqi Zhongguo yuyan wenxue zhong fouding biaoda de wenzi yishu” 《詩經》中的否定和否定性:論早期中國語言文學中否定表達的文字藝術. In Zhongguo shige chuantong yu wenben 中國詩歌傳統與文本 (Poetic Legacy and Textual Studies in Pre-Modern China), edited by Chen Zhi 陳致, 56–97. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2013.
  • “Triggers and Contexts: Quotation and Allusion in Kongzi Shilun.” In Zhengtong yu liupai: Lidai Rujia jingdian zhi yanbian 正統與流派:歷代儒家經典之演變, edited by Lin Qingzhang 林慶彰 and Su Feixiang 蘇費翔 (Christian Soffel), 463–584. Taipei: Wanquanlou, 2013.
  • “Aesthetics of Emotion and Aesthetic Emotion in Xunzi: Xunzi on Meta-Emotion and Its Intersection with Arts.” Monumenta Serica 59 (2011 [c2012]): 17–71.
  • [Mei Daofen 梅道芬]. “Zuowei ‘weiguan jiaocha’ (Microchiasm) de shige wenben—Chaoxianshi zhuyi keti, yuwang, ji Shijing zhong de shangshi” 作為“微觀交叉”(Microchiasm)的詩歌文本——超現實主義客體,欲望,及《詩經》中的喪失 (full Chinese version of “The Poetic Text as Microchiasm: Surreal Objects, Desire, and Loss in the Odes”), Zhongguo xueshu 中國學術 (China Scholarship) 28 (2011): 259–293.
  • [Mei Daofen 梅道芬]. “Xunzi yin Shi de fangshi yu qi bianlunxue de guanxi” 荀子引《詩》的方式與其辯論學的關係 (Xunzi’s Technique of Quoting from the Shi and Its Relation to His Art of Argumentation). In Diqi jie Zhongguo jingxue guiji xueshu yantao hui lunwen ji 第七屆中國經學國際學術研討會論文集, edited by National Cheng Chi University, 73–118. Taipei: Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Chi University, 2011.
  • “The Sage without Emotion: Music, Mind, and Politics in Xi Kang.” In Philosophy and Religion in Early Medieval China, edited by Alan K.L. Chan and Yuet-Keung Lo, 135–172. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2010.
  • [Mei Daofen 梅道芬]. “Shijing zhi weizhi: Yi xinli yuyanxue lilun fenxi ‘Mu gua,’ ‘Dong men zhi shan’” 詩經之微指——以心理語言學理論分析《木瓜》、《東門之墠》(The Poems’ Subtle Pointers: A Psycholinguistic Reading of ‘Quinces’ [Mao 64] and ‘At the Eastern Gate’s Level Ground’ [Mao 89]). In Kua xueke shiye xia de Shijing yanjiu 跨學科視野下的詩經研究, edited by Chen Zhi 陳致, 212–235. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2010.
  • “What’s in a Container? Metonymic and Metaphoric Investigations into the Early Chinese Concept of the Heart (Xin): A Case Study on Asymmetry in Linguistic Conceptualization.” In Que peut la métaphore? Histoire, savoir et poétique, edited by Sylvain David, Janusz Przychodzen, and François-Emmanuël Boucher, 63–80. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009.
  • “Lachmodus und Tränenguss: Inszenierung von Lachen und Weinen in frühchinesischen Texten und das Konzept der Meta-Emotionen.” In Überraschendes Lachen, gefordertes Weinen, edited by August Nitschke, Justin Stagl, and Dieter R. Bauer, 369–399. Wien: Böhlau, 2009.
  • “Again on Qing: With a Translation of the Guodian Xing zi ming chu.” Oriens Extremus 47 (2008): 97–159.
  • “Quotation and Allusion in Liu Xie’s Parallel Prose: Wenxin diaolong, ‘Music Bureau Poetry,’ as a Case Study.” Monumenta Serica 56 (2008): 149–217.
  • [Mei Daofen 梅道芬] “Zuowei ‘weiguan jiaocha’ de shige wenben—Chaoxianshi zhuyi keti, yuwang, ji Shijing zhong de shangshi” 作為“微觀交叉”的詩歌文本——超現實主義客體,欲望,及《詩經》中的喪失 (short Chinese version of “The Poetic Text as Microchiasm: Surreal Objects, Desire, and Loss in the Odes”). In Zhongguo wenxue chuantong yu xiandai de duihua 中國文學傳統與現代的對話, edited by Zhang Hongsheng 張宏生 and Qian Nanxiu 錢南秀, 92–108. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2007.
  • “Die Ordnung der ‘zweiten Haut’: Semiotik der Kleidung und Mode im frühen China.” In Unter der Gelben Erde, edited by Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 57–69. Mainz: von Zabern, 2007.
  • “Ecstasis, Recession, Pain: Images of Suffering in the Classic of Poetry.” In From Skin to Heart: Perceptions of Emotions and Bodily Sensations in Traditional Chinese Culture, edited by Paolo Santangelo and Ulrike Middendorf, 67–129. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006.
  • “Basic Emotion Terms in Warring States Texts: Sequences and Patterns.” In Love, Hatred, and Other Passions: Questions and Themes on Emotions in Chinese Civilization, edited by Paolo Santangelo and Donatella Guida, 126–148. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
  • “Das Grab als Simulakrum: Fiktion, (Re)präsentation und Memoria in der Sepulkralkultur Chinas.” In Xi’an: Kaiserliche Macht im Jenseits, edited by Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 41–48. Mainz: von Zabern, 2006.
  • “Steinabreibung des Textes der Grabinschrift für Huangfu Yue (Huangfu Yue muzhi).” In Xi’an: Kaiserliche Macht im Jenseits, edited by Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 262. Mainz: von Zabern, 2006.
  • “Stele mit Geisterweg-Grabinschrift des Generals Li Ji (594–669).” In Xi’an: Kaiserliche Macht im Jenseits, edited by Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 270. Mainz: von Zabern, 2006.
  • “Inside the Minds of Animals: Towards a Theory of Consciousness and Feeling in Early China.” In A Passion for China: Essays in Honour of Paolo Santangelo for his 60th Birthday, edited by Chiu Ling-yeong and Donatella Guida, 237–258. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
  • “Many Wasted Years in the World of Theatre?—The Fate of Spring Willow Society and the ‘Enlightened Theatre’ Movement as Remembered by the Actor Ouyang Yuqian.” Chime 16–17 (2005): 103–126.
  • “Thematische Progression: Verkettung, Konnexität und Hierarchien musikalischer, emotionspsychologischer und staatsphilosophischer Konzepte im ‘Yuèjì’ (Aufzeichnungen über die Musik).” Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung 29 (2005): 79–123.
  • “Music without Emotion: Xi Kang Meets Hanslick.” In Power and Beauty: Eight Studies on Chinese Music, edited by Luciana Galliano, 41–67. Florenz: Olschki, 2005.
  • “Ritualismus und die Usurpation der Namen: Die Verleihung der Königswürde an General Cao Cao.” In Investitur- und Krönungsrituale: Herrschereinsetzungen im kulturellen Vergleich, edited by Marion Steinicke and Stefan Weinfurter, 225–274. Köln: Böhlau, 2005.
  • “Emotion Management: Social Psychology and Social Techniques in Early China.” Ming Qing yanjiu (Naples), 2003–2004, 161–251.
  • “Digging Out New Meaning: On Methodological Issues of Wen Yiduo’s Shijing and Chuci Commentaries.” In Poet, Scholar, Patriot: In Honour of Wen Yiduos [sic!] 100th Anniversary, edited by Hans Peter Hoffmann, 205–233. Bochum: Projekt Verlag, 2004.
  • “Sängerinnen und Tänzerinnen der Han – Herkunft, Sozialstatus, Tätigkeiten.” In Schreiben über Frauen in China: Ihre Literarisierung im historischen Schrifttum und ihr gesellschaftlicher Status in der Geschichte, edited by Jianfei Kralle and Dennis Schilling, 149–251. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004.
  • “The Making of Emotive Language: Expressions of Anxiety in the Classic of Poetry.” Ming Qing yanjiu (Naples), 2001: 177–222.
  • “In Quest of Classical Harmony: The Dispute on di-Pitch-Pipe Standards between Xun Xu and Lie He in the Last Year of the Jin Taishi Period (274).” Baraka (Prag), 2000.3: 18–21.

Reviews and Review Articles

  • Review of Jessieca Leo, Sex in the Yellow Emperor’s Basic Questions: Sex, Longevity, and Medicine in Early China (Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press, 2011), EASTM: East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, 2016 (forthcoming).
  • Review of Bruce Rusk, Critics and Commentators: The Book of Poems as Classic and Literature (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2012), Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), 2014 (in press).
  • “Critical (Urban) Ethnomusicology: Huju as a Case Study.” Review article of Jonathan P.J. Stock, Huju: Traditional Opera in Modern Shanghai. A British Academy Post-doctoral Fellowship Monograph (New York, NY: Oxford University Press for The British Academy, 2003), Chime 18-19 (2013): 180–189.
  • Review of Howard L. Goodman, Xun Xu and the Politics of Precision in Third-Century AD China. Sinica Leidensia, 95 (Leiden: Brill, 2010), Journal of Asian History 46.1 (2012): 122–126.
  • “Dichte(r)-Spiele oder die Lust am Text: Erotische Phantasien, Sprache und Macht in Games Poets Play.” Oriens Extremus 47 (2008), 288–301. Review article of Anne Birrell, Games Poets Play: Readings in Medieval Chinese Poetry (Cambridge: McGuinness China Monographs, 2004).
  • “Under Confucian Eyes: Ängste, Neurosen, Obsessionen.” Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 99.4–5 (2004): 389–398. Review article of Susan Mann and Yu-Yin Cheng, eds., Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001).
  • “Der Blick des Mannes: Bilder, Modelle und Topoi der Frau in Texten der Zhou- und Han-Zeit.” Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 97.3 (2002): 341–348. Review article of Dennis Schilling and Jianfei Kralle, eds., Die Frau im alten China: Bild und Wirklichkeit. Studien zu den Quellen der Zhou- und Han-Zeit, Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, 77 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2001).

Talks and Papers

  • "Sound and Movement in Mourning: The Regulation of Vocal and Bodily Expression of Emotion in Early Chinese Death Ritual," XXIVth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Olomouc, Czech Republic, Palacký University, August 24-27, 2022.
  • "Multiple Values in Conflict? Revisiting Exegetical Differences in the Interpretation of Lunyu (Analects) 3.25," 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12, first virtual ICAS edition), Kyōto, Japan, Kyōto International Conference Center, Kyōto Seika University (SEIKA), August 24-27, 2021.
  • "Moral Questions: Human Nature and Moral Agency in Chinese Traditions," 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 11), Leiden, the Netherlands, Kamerlingh Onnes Building & Lipsius Building, July 16-19, 2019.
  • "Death, Mourning, and Mental States: Early Confucian Texts on Mortuary Concepts, Practices, and Affective Behavior," 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 10), Chiang Mai, Thailand, International Convention and Exhibition Center, July 20-23, 2017.
  • “Light to the World: Visions of Enlightened Rulership in Xunzi and Related Early Texts.” Paper prepared for the 10th Deutscher Orientalistentag, University of Jena, Jena (Germany), September 18–22, 2017.
  • “Death, Mourning, and Mental States: Early Confucian Texts on Mortuary Concepts, Practices, and Affective Behavior.” Paper prepared for the 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), International Exhibition and Convention Centre (CMECC), Chiang Mai (Thailand), July 20–23, 2017.
  • “Kinds of Love in Buddhist Contexts: Reframing Meaning and Translational Hermeneutics.” Paper prepared for the International Summit Forum on Buddhism’s Transmission to Europe and Buddhist Art, Hotel Miguel Angel, Madrid (Spain), August 27–28, 2016.
  • "Travel Experience/Travel Metaphor: Narrative and Lyrical Voices in Time and Space." Paper prepared for the Biannual Conference of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL), Fudan University, Shanghai (China), june 18-20, 2015
  • “The Concept of ‘Reverence’ (jing) and Related Socio-Philosophical Key Notions in Zhou King Cheng’s Zither and Dance in Nine Stanzas.” Paper prepared for the XXth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Braga, Coimbra (Portugal), July 22–26, 2014.
  • “‘The Modernity of the Ancient-Style Verse’ (Yang Ziyi) and ‘The Self in Photographs and Lyrics: Modern China’s Autobiographical Moment’ (Wu Shengqing).” Discussant Panel: “The Construction of Genres,” International Symposium Back into Modernity: Classical Poetry and Intellectual Transition in Modern China, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (Germany), July 4–5, 2014.
  • “Text Structure and Philosophical Implications of Zhou gong zhi qin wu (The Duke of Zhou’s Zither and Dance).” Paper prepared for the International Conference on the Tsinghua Bamboo Strips and Book of Odes, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, November 1-3, 2013.
  • “The Dialogical Structure of Chinese Canonical Texts: Social-Relational Modes of Language and Thought before and in the Classics.” Paper prepared for the International Conference Confucian Canon Studies and Its Social Applications, Trier (Germany), Trier University, July 27–28, 2013.
  • “Psycho-Philosophy in the Guodian Yu cong er (Collected Sayings, Two): The Morality of Emotion, Affective States, and Personality Traits.” Paper prepared for the XIXth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Paris (France), September 5–8, 2012.
  • “The Sense of Order in Text Architecture: Liu Xie of fu bi (‘Contiguity and Coherence’).” Paper prepared for the XIXth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Paris (France), September 5–8, 2012.
  • “Lesen und Sehen: Traditionelle Quellen zur chinesischen Kunst.” Guest lecture, Institute of East Asian History, University of Heidelberg, June 13, 2012.
  • “Qingxu de zhixu: Guodian Xing zi ming chu yu xianguan chutu wenxian zhong de yuyan he xingqing” 情緒的秩序郭店《性自命出》與相關出土文獻的語言和性情 (The Order of Emotion: Language and Affectivity in the Guodian Xing zi ming chu and Related Excavated Texts), paper presented at the International Symposium on Bamboo Strip Writings, Canons, and Early History (Jianbo, jingdian, gushi guoji luntan【簡帛‧經典‧古史】國際論壇), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, November 30–December 3, 2011.
  • “Konzepte, Sprache, Visuelles,” Sinologische Vorträge, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg (Germany), June 22, 2011.
  • “Xunzi yin Shi de fangshi yu qi bianlun xue de guanxi” 荀子引《詩》的方式與其辯論學的關係 (Xunzi’s Technique of Quoting from the Poems and Its Relation to His Principles of Disputation), paper prepared for the 7th International Conference of Classical Studies, National Cheng Chi University, Taipei (Taiwan), April 16–17, 2011.
  • “Shijing yu ‘fouding shixue’: Cong xinli yuyongxue de jiaodu fenxi Shijing foudingci de yongfa” 《詩經》與“否定詩學”:從心理語用學的角度分析《詩經》否定詞的用法 (The Classic of Poems and Negative Poetics: An Analysis of Negation in the Classic of Poems from the Perspective of Psychological Pragmatics). International Symposium on Poetic Legacy and Textual Studies in Pre-Modern China (Zhongguo shige chuantong yu wenben yanjiu guoji luntan 中國詩歌傳統與文本研究國際論壇), Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong), December 4–5, 2010.
  • “Is ‘Art for Art’s Sake’ Possible in Early Chinese Music? Form and Feeling in the Service of Extra-musical Ends.” 15th International CHIME Conference: The Music of China and East Asia: Theory versus Practice, Basel (Switzerland), November 24–28, 2010.
  • “When, How, Why, and What Should We Feel?—The Problem of Emotion in Early China.” ERASMUS lectures, Ca’Foscari University, Venice (Italy), November 26, 2010.
  • “What Can We Know? —Conceptions of Knowledge in Early China.” ERASMUS lectures, Ca’Foscari University, Venice (Italy), November 24, 2010.
  • “Metaphors and Metonymies of the Mind.” ERASMUS lectures, Ca’Foscari University, Treviso (Italy), November 22, 2010.
  • “Perception, Emotion, and Epistemology in Early China.” ERASMUS lectures, Ca’Foscari University, Venice (Italy), November 22, 2010.
  • “Ist der Mensch verantwortlich für seine Gefühle? Emotionen in Dong Zhongshus Konzept der menschlichen Natur” (Are Humans Responsible for Their Feelings? Emotions in Dong Zhongshu’s Concept of Human Nature). 31. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Marburg (Germany), September 20–24, 2010.
  • “What Were the Poems Used for? Technique and Function of Quotation and Allusion in the ‘Kongzi Shi lun.’” International Workshop Orthodoxy and Schools of Thought: Changes in the History of Confucian Studies, University of Munich (Germany), July 24–25, 2010.
  • “The Problem of Desire: Pro Attitudes, the Seeking System, and the Trauma of Disorder in Early Chinese Socio-Political Thought.” Paper prepared for the XVIIIth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Riga (Latvia), July 14–18, 2010.
  • “Appreciation and Judgment: Rhetoric of Evaluation in the Kongzi Shi lun.” Invited talk at the International Symposium on Excavated Manuscripts and the Interpretation of the Book of Odes, Chicago (USA), September 12–13, 2009.
  • “Lament and Praise Songs (yintan qu): Some Notes on an Early Chinese Song Genre.” Paper prepared for the 14th International CHIME Conference: Chinese and East Asian Music: The Future of the Past, Brussels (Belgium), Musical Instruments Museum, November 18–22, 2009.
  • “Affekt oder Krankheit? Emotionen und verwandte affektive Phänomene in frühen chinesischen philosophischen und medizinischen Texten.” Invited talk, International Lectures Series: Chinese Philosophy and Medicine, University of Vienna, October 15, 2009.
  • “Zwischen Normalität und Pathologie: Zur Ideologisierung der affektiven Zustände in der politischen Philosophie und Medizin des frühen China,” Symposium Immer im Fluss: Von der Lust des Forschens und Lehrens zwischen China und Europa, Heidelberg (Germany), May 15, 2009.
  • Shijing zhi weizhi: Yi xinli yuyanxue lilun fenxi ‘Mu gua,’ ‘Dong men zhi shan’” 詩經之微指——以心理語言學理論分析《木瓜》、《東門之墠》 (The Odes’ Subtle Pointers: A Psycholinguistic Reading of ‘Quinces’ (Mao 64) and ‘At the Eastern Gate’s Level Ground’ (Mao 89),” Cross-boundary Examinations of the Book of Songs: An International Symposium of Distinguished Shijing Scholars, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, March 31 to April 4, 2009.
  • “Aesthetics macabre: Tradition and Appreciation of Coffin-Pullers’ Songs in Early and Early Medieval China,” paper prepared for the 13th International CHIME Conference: Music and Ritual in China and East Asia, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY (USA), October 16–19, 2008.
  • “Music, Pitch-pipes, and Institutional Change: Han Politics of Music between Ideal and Reality,” XVIIth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Lund (Sweden), August 6–10, 2008.
  • “The Power of Gesture: Indirection in Early Chinese Dance.” International Workshop Speech and Body in Interaction: Ethnographic Case Studies, Institute of Ethnology, Free University Berlin (Germany), October 12–13, 2007.
  • “Das problematische Genre: Zitat-Genealogien als Monument und Argument in Liu Xies Konstruktion des ‘Musikamtsliedes’ (yuefu).” 30. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Freiburg/Breisgau. (Germany), September 24–28, 2007.
  • “Emotionswissen, Emotionskompetenz und Semantik der Emotionswörter im frühen China: Eine sinologische Standortbestimmung.” 30. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Freiburg/Breisgau (Germany), September 24–28, 2007.
  • The Body in the Mind: What Imagination, Body Knowledge, and Motor Movement Reveal about Emotion, or the Taxonomical Problem of Emotion vs. Non-Emotion Terms.” 5th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS5), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), August 2–5, 2007.
  • “Negative Poetics: Aesthetic Skepticism and Play of the Text in Shijing Poetry.” 5th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS5), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), August 2–5, 2007.
  • "Towards a More Rigorous Distinction between Emotion Terms and Non-Emotion Terms." Paper prepared for the workshop Much Talk about Emotions: What Non-Emotion Terms Reveal about Emotions (title by Ulrike Middendorf, adopted by Paolo Santangelo), Cremona (Italy), May 25–27, 2007.
  • “Lachmodus und Tränenguss: Zur Codierung und Inszenierung von Gefühlen im frühen China und in historischer Perspektive.” Sinologische Vorträge, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg (Germany), October 20, 2006.
  • “Lachen und Weinen: Inszenierungen von Gefühlen im frühen und frühmittelalter-lichen China und das Konzept der Meta-Emotionen.” Wissenschaftliche Studientagung Lachen und Weinen: Gesten, Sprachen und Tabus der verschiedenen Kulturen innerhalb einer Historischen Anthropologie, Stuttgart-Hohenheim (Germany), September 21–23, 2006.
  • “Reading Emotions in the Odes: Exegesis of the Kongzi shi lun and the Mao/Zheng Commentaries in Comparison.” XVIth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), Ljubljana (Slovenia), August 30-September 3, 2006.
  • “Aesthetics of Emotion/Aesthetic Emotion: The Xunzi on Ritual, Desire, and Feeling, and the Intersection with Arts.” Conference on Concepts and Categories of Emotion in East Asia, University of Lecce, Lecce (Italy), May 27–28, 2006.
  • “Die Ordnung der ‘zweiten Haut’: Semiotik der Kleidung und Mode im frühen China.“ (The Order of the “Second Skin”: Semiotics of Clothing and Fashion in Early China). Unter der gelben Erde: Internationales Symposium zur Deutsch-Chinesischen Zusammenarbeit im Kulturgüterschutz in der Provinz Shaanxi, China, Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (Germany), April 21–22, 2006.
  • “The Sage without Emotions: Re-reading the ‘Sheng wu ai le lun’.” The World of Thought in Early Medieval China, National University of Singapore, Singapore, January 6–7, 2006.
  • “Phantasmagorical Imagination: Or How Violent (Mis)reading Creates Early Medieval Art Song Hybrids. An Essay against Pride and Prejudice and Rape of the Text.” 10th International CHIME conference Exploring China’s Musical Past, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), October 5–9, 2005.
  • “The Gaze: Body Fragmentation, Voyeurism, and Fantasy in the Early Chinese Text.” 4th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS4), Shanghai (China), August 20–24, 2005.
  • “The Poetic Text as Microchiasm: Surreal Objects, Desire, and Loss in the Classic of Poetry.” Conference of the Association for Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL 2005), Nanjing University, Nanjing (China), June 23–26, 2005.
  • Lacrimae: Weeping and Crying in Early China.” Conference on the Manifestations of Emotions and Dispositions in Chinese Sources, Vico (Italy), June 10–12, 2005.
  • “Macht und Massenpsychologie in China: Emotions- und Triebzynismen in kulturpolitischen Diskursen.” Invited talk at the OAW Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), January 26, 2005.
  • “New Readings of the Classic of Poetry: Antidotes to Confucian Hermeneutics.” Invited talk at the Oriental University of Naples, Naples (Italy), October 27, 2004.
  • “Emotionalität im frühen China: Einführung in Gegenstand, Probleme und Methoden der historischen Emotionsforschung” (Emotionality in Early China: An Introduction to Historical Emotion Research). 29. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Halle/Saale (Germany), September 20–24, 2004.
  • “Curiosity of the Senses: Perception Knowledge and Exploration in Early Chinese Philosophy.” XVth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS), University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg (Germany), 25–29 August 2004.
  • Vox intexta: A Rhetorical and Psycholinguistic Reading of the Classic of Poetry.” 9th International CHIME Conference: Orality and Improvisation in East Asian Music, University of Sorbonne, Paris (France), July 1–4, 2004.
  • “Touching Matters: Images of Pain in the Classic of Poetry.” Conference Bodily Sensations and Emotions in South and East Asian Cultures: Perception of Their Connection and Distinction, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (Italy), May 28–29, 2004.
  • “Xianghe and Qingshang Banquet Songs: A Tradition Re-visited.” 37th World Conference of the International Council of Traditional Music ( ICTM), Fuzhou and Quanzhou (China), January 4–11, 2004.
  • “Emotions, Emotion Theories, and the Languages of Emotions in Early China.” Invited talk at the University of London, School of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS), London (UK), November 20, 2003.
  • “Emotions, Emotion Theories, and the Languages of Emotions in Early China.” Invited talk at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (Italy), November 17, 2003.
  • “Im Namen des Kaiser und für das Volk: Die Verleihung der Königswürde an General Cao Cao (155–220)” (In the Name of the Emperor, on Behalf of the People: The Enthronement of General Cao Cao [155–220]). Symposium: Krönungs- und Investiturrituale, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum of Heidelberg University, Heidelberg (Germany), November 7–9, 2003.
  • “Consciousness and Higher-Order Thought in the Guan Zi ‘Si pian.’” International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), Singapore, August 19–22, 2003.
  • “Beyond Due Measure – The Abhorrence for ‘Excessive Wording.’” Conference of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL 2003), London (UK), August 6–8, 2003.
  • “Love and Sex Appeal in Early China (Late Zhou to Han).”  Conference Passioni d’Oriente. Eros ed emozioni nelle civiltà asiatiche (Passions and Love in Asian Civilizations), Rome (Italy), May 29–31, 2003.
  • “Self-Cultivation, Social Welfare, and Emotion Control in Pre-Qin Philosophy: Rites (li) and Mind Technique (xin shu).”  XIVth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS): Chinese Traditional Civilization and the Contemporary World," Moscow (Russia), August 26–28, 2002.
  • “Desire and Sensation: Facets of ‘Female Music’ in Early China.”  8th International CHIME Conference: Sex, Love, and Romance: Reflections on the Passions in East Asian Music, University of Sheffield (UK), July 26–29, 2002.
  • “Gates to the World-Gates to the Mind: Metaphors of the Senses and Desires in Warring States Texts.” The Presentation of Emotions in Asia: Peculiarities and Analogies, Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento degli Studi Asiatici, Torrecuso (Benevento) (Italy), May 31, 2002.
  •  “Emotional Energy: Early Chinese Views of and Western Approaches to Emotions.” International Conference on Emotions and the Analysis of Historical Sources in China, Cortona (Italy), November 5–10, 2001.
  • “Hot Debates on Emotions: The Problem of the Affective States in Pre-Qin and Early Medieval Chinese Political Philosophy.” Symposium Measuring Historical Heat: Event, Performance and Impact in China and the West, Heidelberg (Germany), November 3–4, 2001.
  • “Music without Emotion: Xi Kang Meets Hanslick.”  7th International CHIME Conference: Music and Meaning in China and East Asia: Beauty, Ritual, Emotions, Venice (Italy), September 20–23, 2001.
  • Feng su Reconsidered: On Environmental Conditioning, the Ruler’s Influence, and the Utopia of Unity in Han Dynasty Texts.” International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 2), Berlin (Germany), August 9–12, 2001.
  • “Deciphering the Past: Wen Yiduo on Yinyu (‘Hidden Words’).” Conference of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL 2001), Shanghai (China), June 15–17, 2001.
  • “Heart-mind (Xin) Vexation and Reconciliation in the Classic of Songs (Shijing) and the Songs of Chu (Chuci).”  XIIIth Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS): The Spirit of the Metropolis, Torino (Italy), August 30–September 2, 2000, Workshop: Emotions and States of Mind in Chinese Sources.
  • “Vainly Wasted Many Years in the World of Theatre? – The Fate of the Spring Willow Society and the Enlightened Theatre Movement as Remembered by the Actor Ouyang Yuqian.” Audiences, Patrons and Performers in the Performing Arts of Asia, Including the  6th International CHIME Conference, Leiden (Netherlands), August 23–27, 2000.
  • “Digging Out New Meaning: On Methodological Issues of Wen Yiduo’s Shijing, Chuci, and Yuefu Commentaries.” Poet, Scholar, Patriot: International Symposium in Honour of Wen Yiduo’s 100th Anniversary, University of Tübingen (Germany), May 19–21, 2000.
  • “In Quest of Classical Harmony: The Dispute on di-Pitch-Pipe Standards Between Xun Xu and Lie He in the Last Year of the Jin Taishi Period (274).”  5th International CHIME Conference: Music in Cities, Music in Villages: East Asian Music Traditions in Transition, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic), September 15–19, 1999.
  • “Dancing to Another Tune: Or Why Cai Yong Refused Repayment.”  4th International CHIME Conference: Barbarian Pipes and Strings: 2000 Years of Cross-Cultural Influences in the Music of China, Heidelberg (Germany), October 1–4, 1998.
  • “The Marvels of Wilderness: Poetic Encounters with Nature in Early Medieval China.” 1st International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS1), Leeuwenhorst (Netherlands), June 25–28, 1998.

Dictionary Entries

  • Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL), vols. 23 (1999)-119 (2022) / Artists of the World (AOW), Online 2022-. Berlin, Munich: de Gruyter.

    AOW Online 2023:

    Lin, Michael (b. 6.11.1964); Yuan Jiang (ca. 1660-after 1746); Yuan Yao (active ca. 1711-ca. 1784); Yun Shouping (1.12.1633-26.4.1690); Zhan Ziqian (ca. 530/545-ca. 618); Zhang Geng (1685-1760); Zhu Da (Bada shanren) (1626-1705); Zou Yigui (1686-27.3.1772).

    AOW Online 2022:

    Yi Yuanji (before 1022-ca. 1064/65).

    Vol. 119 (2022):

    Zeng Youhe (27.11.1925-16.9.2017); Zhang Lu (1464) (active ca. 1464-ca. 1538 or ca. 1490-ca. 1565); Zhang Xuerui (b. 1979); Zhao Mengfu (20.10.1254-30.7.1322); Zhao Shao'ang (6.3.1905-28.1.1998); Zhao Songtao (4.9.1916-13.7.1993); Zhao Wangyun (3.10.1906-29.3.1977); Zheng Manqing (29.7.1902-14.3.1975); Zhou Gang (b. 9.1.1958); Zhou Yuanliang (February 1904-30.9.1995).

    Vol. 118 (2022):

    Yingchuan (1754-after 1811); Yishan Yining (1247-28.11.1317); Yōgetsu (active 2nd half of the 15th c.-early 16the c.); Yoh Shoei (b. 7.3.1945); Yōsai (1788) (28.11.1788-16.6.1878); Yoshikazu (Utagawa Yoshikazu) (active ca. 1837-70); Yoshimi (Satake Yoshimi) (16.9.1749-9.2.1800); Yoshimochi (Ashikaga Yoshimochi) (12.3.1386-2.3.1428); Yoshitaki (Utagawa Yoshitaki) (13.4.1841-28.6.1899); Yoshitora (Utagawa Yoshitora) (active ca. 1836-ca. 1887); Yū Hi (1712-20.1.1773); Yukihide (active 1st half of the 15th c.); Yukihiro (active ca. 1406-ca. 1451); Yūsetsu (1598) (1598-29.9.1677); Yūshi (1768) (Ishizaki Yūshi) (1768-25.3.1846); Yūshō (1817) (Kaihō Yūshō) (1817-1868); Yūtei (1721) (Ishida Yūtei) (1721-21.6.1786).

    Vol. 117 (2022):

    Wong, Tyrus Y. (25.10.1910-30.12.2016); Wong, Wucius (b. 25.10.1936); Wu Dongqing (active ca. 961-ca. 1025); Wu Guanzhong (29.8.1919-25.6.2010); Wu Shixian (1830) (ca. 1830 to 1840 or 1845-1916); Wu Wei (1459-1508); Wu Weiye (21.6.1609-23.1.1672); Wu Xizai (1799-1870); Wu Yungen (6.11.1892-1969); Wu Zhen (12.8.1280-1354); Wu Zongyuan (ca. 990-1050); Wuzhun Shifan (2.7.1177-2.5.1249); Xia Gui (active ca. 1194-ca. 1264 or ca. 1180-ca. 1224); Xiao Haichun (March 1944); Xiao Shufang (19.8.1911-20.12.2005); Xie Haiyan (16.3.1910-21.11.2001); Xie Nanxing (b. 1970); Xie Zhiguang (25.2.1899-12.9.1976); Xie Zhiliu (8.5.1910-1.6.1997); Xu Bangda (7.7.1911-23.2.2012); Xu Beihong (19.7.1895-26.9.1953); Xu Bing (b. 8.2.1955); Xu Daoning (ca. 970-ca. 1052 or ca. 1001-after 1066); Xu Hantang (b. 11.5.1932); Xu Linlu (19.10.1916-9.8.2011); Xu Mangyao (26.9.1945); Xu Wei (12.3.1521-1593); Xu Xiutan (b. 1.12.1937); Ya Ming (1.10.1924-19.2.2002); Yamaguchi Bunzō (10.1.1902-19.5.1978); Yang Shanshen (26.10.1913-15.5.2004); Ye Zhengchang (9.12.1909-21.5.2007).

    Vol. 115 (2021):

    Wang Ai (before 907-after 976); Wang Chen(1720) (18.5.1720 or 4.5.1724-1797 or later); Wang Daoqiu (before 907-before 978 or slightly later); Wang E (ca. 1462-after 1541); Wang Fu (26.5.1362-5.3.1416); Wang (family of painters): Wang Gai (1645 or ca. 1645-after 1707 or ca. 1724-26), Wang Nie (between 1652 and 1654-before 1724 or between 1728 and 1731), Wang Shi (1649-1737); Wang Guan (ca. 910-before 980); Wang Hui (1632) (10.4.1632-15.11.1717); Wang Lin (active 1797-after 1843); Wang Meng (ca. 1308-1385); Wang Mian (1310-1359); Wang Shimin (18.9.1592-12.7.1680); Wang Weizheng (b. 5.5.1944); Wang Xizhi (303-361); Wang Yinchun (13.1.1897-11.4.1977); Watanabe Bunzaburō (1853-1.2.1936); Watanabe Kikuma (b. 17.11.1971); Watanabe Shūkei (1778-14.6.1861); Watanabe Takeo (2.7.1916-11.9.2003); Watanabe Toyokazu (b. 1.8.1938); Watanabe Yūkō (25.12.1856-5.12.1942); Watsujin (1758-3.5.1836); Wen Zhengming (28.11.1470-28.3.1559).

    Vol. 114 (2021):

    Wada Makoto (10.4.1936-7.10.2019); Wakabayashi Isamu (9.1.1936-10.10.2003); Wakae Kanji (b. 12.8.1944); Wakita Kazu (7.7.1908-27.11.2005).

    Vol. 111 (2020):

    Uchida Kuichi (1844-17.2.1875); Uehara Konen (16.12.1877-24.5.1940); Uemura Shōkō (4.11.1902-11.3.2001); Unsen (1759-31.12.1811); Urushibara Hideko (22.8.1929-12.10.2002); Urushibara Yoshijirō (12.3.1889-6.6.1953); Ushida Eisaku (b. 1954), Ushida Findlay Architects, with Kathryn Findlay (26.1.1953-10.1.2014); Ushijima Noriyuki (29.8.1900-16.9.1997); Utagawa (family of Japanese ukiyoe artists): Toyoharu (1735-3.3.1814), Toyohiro (1773-4.7.1828 or 1775-15.1.1830), Toyokuni I (1769-24.2.1825), Kunisada I (1786-12.1.1865).

    Vol. 110 (2020):

    Toshihito Shinnō (3.2.1579–29.5.1629); Toshinobu (1717) (active ca. 1717-50); Tōshun (1506) (active 1st half of the 16th c.); Tōyō (1779) (ca. 1713–after 1790/97 ca. 1725–1790); Totori Eiki (26.11.1873-12.11.1943); Totsugen (1767-1.5.1823); Toyohiko (25.8.1773-24.8.1845); Toyonobu (1711-1.7.1785); Tsubaki Chinzan (14.7.1801-6.8.1854); Tsubaki Sadao (10.2.1896-29.12.1957); Tsuboi Asuka (b. 12.1.1932); Tsuchiya Kōitsu (23.9.1870-13.11.1949); Tsuchiya Nobuko (b. 1972); Tsuchiya Rakusan (25.4.1896-1976); Tsuchiya Yoshirō (25.3.1900-18.9.1991); Tsuda Seifū (13.9.1880-31.8.1978); Tsuji Kamei (30.3.1903-16.1.1965); Tsukimaro (active ca. 1801-42); Tsumaki Yorinaka (22.2.1859-10.10.1916); Marc Tsurumaki (b. 26.8.1965), LTL Architects, with David J. Lewis (b. 1966) and Paul Lewis (b. 1966); Tsuruta Gorō (8.7.1890-6.1.1969); Tsutaka Waichi (1.11.1911-17.1.1995).

    Vol. 109 (2020):

    Tiebao (28.2.1752–2.2.1824); Tiezhou (1752–4.3.1815 or 1755–28.2.1818); Ting Walasse (13.10.1929–17.5.2010); Tōbun (1502–28.12.1582); Tōgai (4.7.1827–3.5.1881); Tōgō Seiji (28.4.1897–25.4.1978); Tōhaku (1539) (1539–19.3.1610 Edo); Tokusai (1298–19.10.1366); Tominaga Yuzuru (b. 25.5.1943); Tomita Keisen (9.12.1879–6.7.1936); Tōrei Enji (8.5.1721–10.4.1792); Tori (active late 6th to early 7th c.).

    Vol. 108 (2020):

    Tang Baochu (1614–1666); Tang Dakang (27.4.1944–17.10.1998); Tang Di (1294) (1287–1355); Tang Di (1878–18.1.1948); Tang Hou (active 1291–1328); Tang Jun (active late 17th to early 18th c.); Tang Luming (2.10.1804-1874); Tang Yifen (30.6.1778–21.3.1853); Tang Yujian (1648–1723); Tang Yun (10.8.1910–7.10.1993); Taniguchi Kōkyō (16.9.1864–9.11.1915); Tao Cheng (ca. 1441–1451-after 1516); Tao Hongjing (18.6.456–18.4.536); Tao Rong (13.8.1870–1925); Tasaki Hirosuke (1.9.1898–28.1.1984); Tatsuke (family of lacquer artists) (active 17th to 19th c. in Edo [Tōkyō] and Kyōto, including Chōbei, Eisuke, Jōho, Jōshō, Kazutsume, Shō, Takamasu, Takamitsu [1796], Takanori, Toshihide I, Toshihide II, Toshitoyo, and Yasutsune); Tatsuno, Kingo (13.10.1854–25.3.1919); Teramatsu Kunitarō (1876–5.12.1943); Tetsuō (14.3.1791–24.1.1872); Tetsuzan (1775–24.6.1841); Tezuka Takaharu (b. 23.2.1964); Tezuka, Yui (b. 16.1.1969).

    Vol. 107 (2020):

    Su Hanchen (active ca. 1101–ca. 1170); Su Manshu (28.9.1884–2.5.1918); Su Shi (8.1.1037–24.8.1101); Su Zhe (17.3.1039/23.3.1039–25.10.1112); Suda Kunitarō (6.6.1891–16.12.1961); Sugai Kumi (13.3.1919–14.5.1996); Sugimoto, Henry Yuzuru (12.3.1900–8.5.1990); Sugimoto Kenkichi (20.9.1905–10.2.2004); Suiō (1717) (1717–3.2.1790); Sun Guoting (ca. 650–before 702); Sun Junze (active early 14th century); Sun Kehong (1532/33–1611); Suzuki Hyakunen (13.7.1825–26.12.1891); Suzuki Shintarō (6.8.1895–13.5.1989); Suzuki Shōnen (14.7.1848–29.1.1918); Tabuchi Yasukazu (20.5.1921–24.11.2009); Tadakuni (10.12.1757–23.11.1830); Tadanobu (1864) (31.12.1864–1944); Taira, Frank (21.8.1913–4.7.2010); Taito (active ca. 1804–53); (Tang) Taizong (23.1.599/28.1.589–10.7.649); Tajima Hiroyuki (1911–1997); Takabatake Tatsushirō (1.10.1895–26.6.1976); Takada Makoto (24.9.1913–24.10.1992); Takahashi Rikio (1917–23.12.1998); Takenaka (family of carpenters and architects) with Takenaka Touemon (*1877–1965) and Takenaka Renichi (1.3.1911–31.12.1996).

    Vol. 105 (2019):

    Song Ke (1327–1387); Song Lian (4.11.1310–12.6.1381); Song Luo (23.2.1634–3.11.1713); Song Wenzhi (28.10.1919–10.8.1999); Song Xu (1525–1620); Sōritsu (d. 19.3.1556); Sōtan (1413–4.7.1481); Soyama Sachihiko (17.1.1860–25.1.1892); Spolium (painter group, family, workshop): Lamqua I (Guan ?; Lingua; b. 1801/02; active ca. 1820–70); Lamqua II (Guan Xian; active ca. 1840–70); Spoilum (Guan ?; active ca. 1774–1810); Tingqua (Guan Tinggao; b. 1809; active ca. 1830–70).

    Vol. 104 (2019):

    Sō Shiseki (1715–9.4.1786); Sōen (1489) (active ca. 1489–1501; died, very likely, in 1517); Sōken (1621) (Ogata, Sōken; 1621–July/August 1687); Soken (1759) (1759–22.11. or 24.11.1818); Sokuhi Nyoitsu (27.6.1616–26.6.1671).

    Vol. 103 (2018):

    Sekien (1712–22.9.1788); Sekine Nobuo (b. 12.9.1942); Sekino Junichirō (23.10.1914–13.4.1988); Sengai (Gibon) (3.1750–4.11.1837); Sengai Shōan (1636–24.2.1705); Serizawa Keisuke (3.5.1895–5.4.1984); Sesson (ca. 1504–ca. 1589 or 1492–1573); Settan (1778–26.2.1843); Shang Xi (active first half of the 15th century); Shang Yanzhi (1869–1962); Shangguan Zhou (1665–after 1749); Shangrui (1634–after 1727); Shao Bao (17.9.1460–25.3.1527); Shao Mi (ca. 1595–ca. 1643); Shao Yiping (24.11.1910–13.7.1963); Shao Youxuan (25.8.1918–28.4.2009); Shen Hao (1586–after 1661); Shen Quan (1706) (1682–after 1762); Shen Shi (1488–1586); Shen Shichong (active ca. 1602–41); Shen Yinmo (11.6.1883–1.6.1971) (only online); Shen Zhengshi (11.4.1850–21.11.1922); Shen Zhou (9.12.1427–4.9.1509); Shen Zongjing (1669–1735); Shen Zongqian (23.6.1717–ca. 1817); Sheng Maoye (first half of the 17th century); Sheng Mou (active ca. 1300–60); Shi Ke (mid-10th century); Shi Rui (active 1426–ca. 1470) (only online); Shi Zhong (1437–after 1518) (only online); Shiba Kōkan (1747–19.11.1818); Shigenaga (1697) (1697–23.7.1756); Shigenobu (1716/1741) (active ca. 1716–1741); Shikō (1683) (1683–5.9.1755); Shimaoka Tatsuzō (27.10.1919–11.12.2007); Shimotani Chihiro (b. 1934); Shinohara Kazuo (2.4.1925–15.7.2006); Shinsai (1789) (active ca. 1789–1823); Shiraga Fujiko (28.1.1928–17.1.2015); Shōei (1519) (1519–24.11.1592) (only online); Shōkado Shōjō (1582/84–14.10.1639.); Shōkei (1470) (ca. 1470–ca. 1518); Shūbun (1414) (active ca. 1418–1463); Shunchō (active ca. 1764–ca. 1829); Shunkō (1743) (1743–1.12.1812); Shunsen (1808) (active 1808–1826); Shunshō (family): Shunshō I (18.2.1610–8.10.1682); Shunshō II (1707) (17.8.1641–25.6.1707); Shunshō III (16.10.1654–2.11.1740); Shunshō IV (26.2.1703–6.6.1770); Shunshō VI (25.9.1774–20.3.1831); Shuntei (1770) (1770–9.9.1820).

    Vol. 102 (2018):

    Seel, Richard (1854) (29.9.1854–4.9.1922); Seigai (1786–22.3.1851); Seike Kiyoshi (13.12.1918–8.4.2005); Seimin (11.9.1761–21.12.1837).

    Vol. 101 (2018)

    Satō Chūryō (4.7.1912–30.3.2011); Satō Kei (28.10.1906–8.5.1978); Satomi Munetsugu (2.11.1900–30.1.1996).

    Vol. 100 (2018)

    Ruan Yuan (21.2.1764–27.11.1849); Ryōjo Hōshinnō (27.8.1575–29.8.1643); Ryōtai (1719–28.4.1774); Ryōzen (1328) (active ca. 1328 or 1348–1355); Ryūho (1595 or 1599–24.10.1669); Saburi Makoto (8.10.1898–23.4.1936); (Utagawa) Sadahide (Hashimoto Kenjirō) (1807–1873 or 1878 or 1879); Saeki Yūzō (28.4.1898–16.8.1928); Saitō Yori (7.9.1885–3.5.1959); Saitō Yoshishige (4.5.1904–13.6.2001); Sakai Hōitsu (1.8.1761–4.1.1829); Sakakibara Shihō (8.8.1887–7.1.1971); Sakamoto Hanjirō (2.3.1882–14.7.1969); Sakamoto Kazunari (b. 19.7.1943).

    Vol. 99 (2017)

    Rokubei I (1735–1799); Rokubei II (1790–1860); Rokubei III (15.10.1822–4.6.1883); Rokubei IV (1848–12.11.1920); Rokubei V (6.3.1875–1.8.1959); Rokubei VI (13.9.1901–17.4.1980); Rokubei VII (15.5.1922–21.7.2006); Rokubei VIII (b. 22.4.1954).

    Vol. 98 (2017)

    Reisai (1430) (active between 1430 and 1470); Ren Bowen (ca. 1315–ca. 1385); Ren Renfa (15.8.1255–January/February 1328); Ren Xiancai (ca. 1283–after 1343); Ren Xianneng (1.10.1285–22.4.1348); Ren Xianzuo (ca. 1287 or 1286–ca. 1358 or after 1350); Ren Xiong (19.7.1823–22.11.1857); Ren Yi (1840) (1840–1896); Renzong (13.11.1760–2.9.1820).

    Vol. 97 (2017)

    Pu Hua (1832–1911); Pujin (30.8.1893–August 1966); Puquan (22.11.1913–1991); Puru (24.7.1896–18.11.1963); Pu Shixun (10th century); Qi Kun (1894 or 1901–1940 or 1944); Qi Zhijia (1594–after 1682); Qian Du (1764 or 1763–1845 or 1844); Qian Gong (active between 1573 and 1620); Qian Gu (1508–after autumn of 1578); Qian Songyan (11.9.1899–4.9.1985); Qian Weicheng (1720–1772); Qian Xuan (ca. 1235–between 1301 and 1307); Qianlong (25.9.1711–7.2.1799); Qiao Zhongchang (active first half of 12th century); Qin Zuyong (1825–1884); Qiu Ying (1494) (ca. 1494–ca. 1552); Qiu Yuan (1247–1327); Rankei Dōryū (1213–13.8.1278).

    Vol. 94 (2016)

    Ōtani Fumio (22.6.1929–26.8.1995); Ouyang Xiu (1007–22.9.1072); Ouyang Xun (557–641); Ōyama Chūsaku (5.5.1922–19.2.2009); Pan Gongshou (24.6.1741–1794); Pan Sitong (October 1903–7.3.1980); Pan Yuliang (22.5.1894–22.6.1977); Pan Zengying (Cengying) (1808–1878); Pang Xunqin (20.6.1906–18.3.1985).

    Vol. 93 (2016)

    Ogata Kamenosuke (12.12.1900–2.12.1942); Ogata Riichirō (1941–Sep. 1990); Ogata Shūhei (1.7.1788–28.4.1839); Ogata Yoshin (geb. 18.11.1948); Ogawa Fumiari (geb. 1951); Ogawa Usen (11.3.1868–17.12.1938); Ogisu Takanori (30.11.1901–14.10.1986); Ogura Yuki (1.3.1895–23.7.2000); Oka Shikanosuke (2.7.1898–28.4.1978); Okada Saburōsuke (22.1.1869–23.9.1939); Okakura Tenshin (14.2.1863–2.9.1913); Okamoto Tarō (26.2.1911–7.1.1996); Okumura Togyū (18.2.1889–25.9.1990); Otake Chikuha (12.1.1878–2.6.1936).

    Vol. 92 (2016)

    Ni Tian (1853/55–1919); Ni Yide (Aug. 1901–13.5.1970); Ni Yuanlu (1593–1644); Ni Yun (ca. 1814–1864); Ni Zan (26.2.1301–14.12.1374); Nishimura Goun (6.11.1877–16.9.1938); Nishiyama Suishō (2.4.1879–30.3.1958); Nonagase Banka (17.8.1889–31.3.1964).

    Vol. 91 (2016)

    Mozuna Kikō (14.11.1941–2.9.2001); Muqi (active 13th century); Murai Masanari (29.3.1905–5.2.1999); Murakami Kagaku (3.7.1888–11.11.193); Murase Sōseki (1822–1.11.1877); Naitō Haruji (1895.04.01–23.5.1979); Nakagawa Kazumasa (14.2.1893–5.2.1991); Nakahara Minoru (4.2.1893–15.10.1990); Nakamura Gakuryō (10.3.1890–20.11.1969); Nakamura Tsune (3.7.1887–24.12.1924); Nangaku (1767–1813); Nankai (1677–26.10.1751)

    Vol. 90

    Miwa, family of Japanese Hagi ware potters, with Miwa Kyūwa (Kyūsetsu X, 20.4.1895–24.10.1981), Miwa Jusetsu (Kyūsetsu XI 4.2.1910–11.12.2012), Miwa Ryōsaku (Kyūsetsu XII, b. 1940), and Miwa Kazuhiko (b. 1955); Miyagawa Chōshun (1683–18.12.1753); Mo Shilong (1539–1587); Mokuan Shōtō (16.3.1611–6.3.1684); Mokubei (1767–2.7.1833); Mori Getsujō (1887–21.11.1961); Mori Kansai (2.3.1814–2.6.1894); Morita Tsunetomo (7.4.1881–8.4.1933).

    Vol. 89 (2015)

    Mi Wanzhong (1570–1628); Mi Youren (1086–1165)
    Vol. 88 (2015)
    Matsubayashi Keigetsu (18.8.1876–22.5.1963); Mei Geng (1644–ca. 1722); Mei Qing (1623–1697); Mi Fu (4.12.1051–1107)

    Vols. 87 (2015)

    Maruyama Banka (5.6.1867–4.3.1942)

    Vol. 86 (2015)

    Luo Mu (17.8.1622–13.12.1708); Luo Ping (20.2.1733–1799); Ma Hezhi (ca. 1140–ca. 1190); Ma Lin (ca. 1180–90–after 1256); Ma Yuan (before 1160–after 1225); Mai Huasan (1907–1986)
    Vol. 85 (2014)

    Liu Songnian (active ca. 1170-ca. 1225); Liu Yong (1729–25.1.1805); Lu Hui (1851-24.10.1920); Lu Shaozeng (1732 or 1733-after 1809?); Lu Tanwei (active ca, 440-500); Lu Wei (active between 1668 and 1710); Lu Xinzhong (active ca. 1195-after1279); Lu Zhi (1496-1576); Lü Huancheng (1630-after 1705); Lü Ji (ca. 1429-after 1505); Lü Qian (1621-1706); Lü Xue (active between 1662 and 1723).
    Vols. 84 (2014)

    Li Anzhong (active ca. 1117–1162); Li Cheng (919-967); Li Di (ca. 1100–after 1197 or ca. 1130–ca. 1200); Li Fangyin (1695–1755); Li Gonglin (ca. 1049–ca. 1106); Li Jian (30.6.1747–3.12.1799); Li Kan (1245–1320); Li Liufang (1575–1629); Li Shan (1686–ca. 1780); Li Shangyin (813–853); Li Shida (jinshi 1574); Li Si (ca. 280–208 B.C.); Li Sixun (651–718); Li Tang (ca. 1050–after 1130); Li Yangbing (ca. 721–ca. 789); Li Yong (678–747); Li Zai (d. 1431); Li Zhaodao (ca. 679–after 730); Liang Kai (ca. 1140–1250); Liang Lingzan (active 713–741); Lin Tinggui (active late-12th century)
    Vol. 83 (2014): 

    Lan Ying (1565–after 1656 or ca. 1664). 

    Vol. 82 (2014):

    Kubota Beisen (25.2.1852–19.5.1906); Kuncan (1612– after 1686); (U.) Kuniteru (1829-1874); (U.) Kunitomi (active 1818–1845); Kwaigetsudō (Kaigetsudō) (family of Japanese ukiyo-e artists) (late 17th to 18th century). 

    Vol. 81 (2014):

     Kōami (family of Japanese lacquerers) (17th to mid-18th century); Kobayashi Kiyochika (10.9.1847–28.11.1915); Kobayashi Kokei (11.2.1883–3.4.1957); Kobayashi Koki (b. 30.12.1961); Kobayashi Maiko (b. 19.1.1977); Kobayashi Masakazu (31.3.1944–18.8.2004); Kobayashi Naomi (b. 13.7.1945); Kobayashi Norio (b. 29.4.1952); Kobayashi Rikuichirō (b. 1938); Kobayashi Takeo (5.2.1908–1995); Koide Narashige (13.10.1887–13.2.1931); Kōma Chōkan (Ema Chōkan) (1881–12.3.1940); Kong Guangtao (1832–1890); Kosugi Hōan (30.12.1881–16.4.1964); Koyama Shōtarō (15.2.1857–7.1.1916). 

    Vol. 80 (2014):

    Kikuchi Keigetsu (14.11.1879–9.9.1955); Kishida Ryūsei (23.6.1891–20.12.1929); Kitazawa Rakuten (20.7.1876–25.8.1955); Kiyohara Tama (Ragusa, Eleonora) (17.7.1861–6.4.1939).

    Vol. 79 (2013):

    Kangli Naonao (1295-8.6.1345); Kang Tao (active between 1727 and 1755); Kang Youwei (19.3.1858-31.3.1927); Ke Jiusi (1290-1343 or 1312-1365).

    Vol. 78 (2013):

    Ju Jie (active between 1524 and 1585 or ca. 1531-1585 or 1527-1586); Ju Lian (22.9.1828-5.5.1904); Ju Qing (active 19th century); Juran (active ca. 960-993).

    Vol. 77 (2012):

    Jia Quan (active between 1735 and 1796); Jia Shigu (active between 1131 and 1162 or between 1190 and 1194); Jiang Ai (active between 1594 and 1644); Jiang Chenying (1628–1699); Jiang Dalai (active between 1736 and 1820); Jiang Jie (b. 1963); Jiang Pu (1708–1761); Jiang Qian (1525–after 1609); Jiang Shen (Jiang Can [sic!], active between 1090 and 1138); Jiang Song (active between 1475 and 1565); Jiang Tingxi (1669–1732); Jiang Zhaohe (5.9.1904–15.4.1986); Jiang Zicheng (Jiang Cheng, active between 1403 and 1424); Jiao Bingzhen (active between ca. 1689 and ca. 1726); Jin Chuansheng (1813–1866); Jin Junming (1602–1675); Jin Lang (Aug. 1915–1999); Jin Nong (3.5.1687– Aug./Sept. 1763); Jing Hao (ca. 855/80–ca. 915/40).

    Vol. 76 (2012):

    Indra (Yin Tuoluo, active 2nd half 13th century/early 14th century); Ingen Ryūki (7.12.1592–19.5.1673).

    Vol. 75 (2012):

    Hou Mougong (Maogong) (active between 1562 and 1604); Hu Gui (active between 923 and 935); Hu Yukun (active between 1630 and 1681); Hu Yuan (1823–1886); Hu Zhengyan (Oct. 1584–1674); Hua Yan (5.11.1682–1756); Huang Binhong (27.1.1865–15.3.1955); Huang Daozhou (1585–1646); Huang Ding (1660–1730); Huang Gongwang (1269–1354); Huang Jin (1277–1357); Huang Jucai (933–after 993); Huang Jun (1775–1850); Huang Quan (ca. 900–965); Huang Shen (1687–1772); Huang Tingjian (28.7.1045–8.11.1105); Huang Xiangjian (1609–1673); Huang Yi (1744–1802); Huang Yue (1750–1841); Huichong (ca. 965–1017); (Song) Huizong (2.11.1082–4.6.1135).


    Vol. 70 (2011):

    He (Hao) Cheng (active late 10th/early 11th c.); He Shaoji (30.12.1799–11.9.1873); Heyi (active between 1702 and 1723); He Zunshi (active between 921 and 923).

    Supplementary Vol. 5 (2011, in press):

    Cen Guangyue (25.5.1876–17.8.1960); Chen Can (1524–after 1615); Chen Kun (active 17th to 18th centuries); Chen Li (23.3.1810–11.3.1882); Chen Qikun (1792–1861); Chen Rong (11.9.1876–15.11.1955); Chen Tianxiao (11.4.1898–1978); Chen Xian (1785–1859); Chen Zhenhui (27.1.1605–11.6.1656); Cheng Qinwang (Yongxing) (22.3.1752–7.5.1823).

    Vol. 68 (2010):

    Han Gan (ca. 720–after 780); Han Huang (723–17.3.787); Han Jiang (1012–1088); Han Qi (1006–1075); Han Run (18th/19th century); Han Ruozhuo (active between 1086 and 1126); Han Zhu (active between 1736 and 1796); Han Zhuo (active between 1085 and 1125); Hang Shijun (28.5.1696–9.9.1773).

    Vol. 66 (2010):

    Guo Bi (before 1270–ca. 1342); Guo Dingjing (active 17th century); Guo Min (active 13th to 14th century); Guo Qianhui (active between 937 and 975); Guo Si (ca. 1050–after 1130); Guo Xi (ca. 1001/1020–ca. 1090); Guo Xu (1456–after 1528); Guo Zhongshu (ca. 910–ca. 977).

    Supplementary Vol. 4 (2010):

    Cai Yuanpei (11.1.1868–5.5.1940).

    Vol. 65 (2009):

    Gui Changshi (1574-22.10.1645); Gui Zhuang (1613-1673).

    Vol. 64 (2009):

    Gong Kai (1221–1307); Gong Xian (1617/1620–1689); Gu An (1279–ca. 1373); Gu Anren (17th to 18th century); Gu Baowen (d. 1704); Gu Baoyu (18.3.1939–); Gu Bogao (14th century); Gu Cengxi (18th to 19th century); Gu Chao (19th century); Gu Chun (1765–1832); Gu Chunfu (active between 1833 and 1875); Gu Chunxi (active between 1796 and 1820); Gu Cong (17th century); Gu Congyi (1523–1588); Gu Dachang (19th century); Gu Dadian (ca. 1545–after 1595); Gu Dashen (active 17th century); Gu Dehui (Ying) (1310–1369); Gu Deqian (active between 961 and 975); Gu Fang (active between 1690 and 1720); Gu Fuzhen (1634–after 1716); Gu Gao (1763–1832); Gu Guoshu (18th to 19th century); Gu Heqing (1766–after 1830); Gu Hongzhong (active between 961 and 975); Gu Hui (fl. 1836); Gu Huisheng (1788–1860); Gu Jie (18th to 19th century); Gu Jingzhou (1915–1996); Gu Kaizhi (ca. 348–ca. 409); Gu Kuei (14th century); Gu Jianlong (1606–after 1687); Gu Junzhi (active between 457 and 465); Gu Linshi (1885–19.5.1930); Gu Luo (1763–nach 1837); Gu Mei (8.12.1619–1664); Gu Mengyou (1599–1660); Gu Shanzi (14th century); Gu Shengyue (7.11.1927–); Gu Shijun (17th to 18th century); Gu Shoushan (July 1938–); Gu Song (active between 1815 and 1821); Gu Wenbin (1811–1889); Gu Wenyuan (1647/48–1697/98 or after 1701); Gu Yan (1) (18th century); Gu Yan (2) (18th century); Gu Yan (3) (20th century); Gu Yanwu (15.7.1613–15.2.1682); Gu Yide (17th century); Gu Yizhou (14.6.1923–November 1987); Gu Yin (b. 1612); Gu Yingtai (18th to 19th century); Gu Yingxiang (1483–29/30.9.1565); Gu Yuan (1) (wrongly identified as Gu Lin, 1321–13.10.1382); Gu Yuan (2) (18th century); Gu Yuanqing (1482–1565); Gu Yun (1835–1896); Gu Zhaolin (17th to 18th century); Gu Zhengyang (18th century); Gu Zhengyi (active between 1570 and 1596) Gu Zhi (17th century); Gu Zhuo (1) (active between 1662 and 1723); Gu Zhuo (2) (active between 1632 and 1717).

    Supplementary Vol. 3 (2008):

    Ban Weizhi (active between 1294 and 1349); Baojin (active ca. 1368); Bao Jun (1797–1851); Bao Kai (active ca. 1753); Bao Liangyu (active between ca. 1195 and 1224); Bencheng (active ca. 1356); Boo Sze Yang (b. 1965); Boym, Michael (1612–22.8.1659).

    Vol. 48 (2006):

    Gao Cen (active between 1643 and 1684); Gao Jian (1634–1707); Gao Kegong (1248–1310); Gao Qifeng (1889–1933); Gao Qipei (1672–1732); Gao Shiqi (26.10.1645–June 1704); Gao Tingli (1350–1423); Gaoxian (active between 845 and 860); Gao Xiang (1688–1754); (Song) Gaozong (1107–1187).

    Vol. 46 (2005):

    Fu Pu (Qing); Fuqian (active ca. 1662–1722); Fu Wenyong (active 10th c.); Fu Xiongxiang (1882–1930); Fu Yi (active 10th c.); Fu Yin (Qing); Fu Yu (Qing); Fu Zeng (1688–after 1749); Fu Zouren (b. before 1950); Fudeya Tôkan (26.2.1875–1.11.1950); Fudô Ritsuzan (8.4.1886–14.8.1975); Fugai Ekun (1568–1654); Fûgai (Honkō) (1779–1847); Fujii Kōyû (29.11.1882–15.7.1958); Fujii Reitarô (18.9.1913–25.6.1980); Fujikawa Yûzô (31.10.1883–15.6.1935); Fujimaki Yoshio (29.1.1911–2.9.1935); Fujimaro (1790–1850); Fujimori Shizuo (1891–1943); Fujimoto Tesseki (1816–25.9.1863); Fujimoto Tôichiryô (27.6.1913–1998); Fujin (active 17th c.); Fujino Shûsaku (5.9.1925–1.3.1982); Fujinobu (active between 1750 and 1770); Fujioka Noboru (b. 10.1.1896); Fujishima Takeji (18.9.1867–19.3.1943); Fujita Bunzô (6.8.1861–9.3.1934); Fujita Tsuguji (27.11.1886–29.1.1968); Fujita Yoshika (b. 16.2.1929); Fujiwara Gôshin (active 1st half 14th c.); Fujiwara Kei (1899-1983); Fujiwara Korenobu (active 13th c.); Fujiwara Nagataka (active 13th c.); Fujiwara no Korefusa (1030-96); Fujiwara no Kôzei (972–1027); Fujiwara no Munehiro (active mid-12th c.); Fujiwara no Sadanobu (1088-between 1151 and 1156); Fujiwara no Sari (944–98); Fujiwara no Shunzei (1114–1204); Fujiwara no Tadamichi (1097–1164); Fujiwara no Teika (1162–1241); Fujiwara no Toshiyuki (b. 901); Fujiwara Nobuzane (1176, or 1177, or 1178–23.1.1266); Fujiwara Takachika (active mid–12th c.); Fujiwara Takasuke (active early 14th c.); Fujiwara Takayoshi (before 1078–between 1156 and 19.10.1174); Fujiwara Tamenobu (active 2nd half 13th c. to 1st half 14th c.); Fujiwara Tametsugu (b. 1266); Fujiwara Tsunetaka (active late12th to early 13th c.); Fujiwara Yukimitsu (active between 1352 and 1389); Fujiwara Yukinaga (active early 14th c.); Fukada Chokujô (14.7.1861–1947); Fukae (active ca. 970); Fukae (Shôroku) (1699–1757); Fukagawa Eizaiemon (active 19th c.); Fukami Jûsuke (1885–1974); Fukazawa Sakuichi (1896–1946); Fukazawa Shirô (26.2.1907–20.4.1978); Fukazawa Yukio (b. 1.7.1924); Fukita Fumiaki (b. 1926); Fukuda Bisen (Sep. 1875–28.10.1963); Fukuda Bisen (28.2.1892–22.3.1974); Fukuda Keiichi (1895–20.6.1956); Fukuda Kinko (d. 1904); Fukuda Kodôjin (1865–1944); Fukuda Suikô (30.4.1895–24.1.1973); Fukuda Toyoshirô (17.11.1904–27.9.1970); Fukushima Keidô (b. 1933); Fukuzawa Ichirô (18.1.1898–16.10.1992); Fulin (Qing Shizu) (15.3.1638–5.2.1661); Fumio Katsurano (active late 19th c.); Funakoshi Yasutake (7.12.1912–1996); Fun’unsai Hayakawa (active 19th c.); Furôsai (active 2nd half 19th c.); Furyô (active 19th c.); Fusen (active 19th c.); Fuyô (1722–1784); Fuyuan (active 14th c.).

    Vol. 38 (2003):

    Feng Chenghui (1786–1840); Feng Fang (1492–after 1563); Feng Ge (ca. 1300); Feng Gong (1st half 15th c.); Feng Ji (active ca. 1796–after 1840); Feng Jinbo (active ca. 1775–1797); Feng Jincheng (Southern Song); Feng Jundao (Yuan); Feng Kebin (ca. 1575–after 1644);Feng Kezong (active mid-17th c.); Feng Lan (active late 15th-early 16th c.); Feng Meiting (b. 1939); Feng Menggui (late Ming); Feng Mi (Yuan); Feng Ning (active 1736–1795); Feng Qia (1731–1819); Feng Qing (active 998–1022); Feng Quan (1595–1672); Feng Shan (Ming); Feng Shihan (1875–1950); Feng Shizhen (ca. 1865); Feng Shu (active mid-15th c.); Feng Wujiu (Ming); Feng Xilu (active 1662–1722); Feng Xingzu (active 1260–1764); Feng Yimo (Ming); Feng Yuequiang (b. 1963); Feng Zhaoqi (1612–ca. 1670); Feng Zizhen (1257–1314).

    Vol. 36 (2003):

    Fa Ruozhen (1613–1696); Fan Anguo (active before1758); Fan Anren (active ca. 1253–1258); Fan Changshou (active 7th c.); Fan Chengda (26.6.1126–1193); Fan Chuanzhuang (late 14th-early 15th c.); Fan Duanchen (active before 1131-after 1162); Fan Huaiyue (active 502–518); Fan Huaizhen (active 479–502); Fan Kuan (ca. 948–ca. 1027); Fan Ning (339–401); Fan Qi (1616–after 1694); Fan Qiong (active mid-19th c.); Fan Qiuchan (active late 12th-early 13th c.); Fan Tan (d. 1186); Fan Ye (398–445); Fan Zhengfu (active mid-11th-early 12th c.); Fan Zhenxu (1874–1960); Fan Zhongyan (989–1052); Fan Zuyu (1041–November 1098); Fang Cong (Qing); Fang Congyi (1301?–after 1378); Fang Han (active 19th c.); Fang Jinshi (Ming); Fang Lüjian (1790–1831); Fang Ming (active 1st half 20th c.); Fang Qichen (Qing); Fang Shimu (active before 1644–after 1672); Fang Shiyu (d. 1654); Fang Xuanlong (Ming); Fanghu (Qing); Fanghu (Qing); Pseudo-Fanghu Dashi (Ming); Fangyai (active 2nd half 14th c.).

    Vol. 37 (2003):

    Fei Erqi (active ca. 1700); Fei Hanyuan (active between 1734 and 1756); Fei Nianci (1855–1905); Fei Qinghu (active before 1765–after 1806); Fei Yigeng (d. shortly after 1870).

    Vol. 35 (2002):

    Etô Junpei (25.3.1898–16.11.1987); Etsujô (late 18th-early 19th c.); Etsuko (active 1751–1764)

    Vol. 34 (2002):

    Engen (d. 1096); Engetsudô (active 1751–64); Eni (Hôgen E.) (active ca. 1299); Enjaku (active mid-14th c.); Enjaku (active 1858–1865); Enji (Kichinichian E.) (active 1764–1789); Enju (active 1772–1789); Enjû (active 1801–1818); Enju Kunimura (active 14th c.); Enkai (active 11th c.); Enkin (active mid-8th c.); Enkôan (1756–1831); Enkû (1628–1696); Enkyô (1749–3.12.1803); Ensa (active late 18th-early 19th c.); Ensa (active 19th c.); Ensai (ca. 1840); Ensei (d. 1134); Ensen (active 1764–1781); Enshi (active ca. 1772–1801); Enshi (active ca. 1751–89); Enshin (active early 11th c.); Enshû (1579–1647); Enshû (Koma E.) (late 18th-early 19th c.); Enshun (active late 12th c.); Entaku (1643–1730); Eri (852–20.01.936); Eryû (active early 16th c.); Esaki Reiji (1845–1910).

    Vol. 33 (2002):

    Einô (Kanô Yoshinobu) (ca. 1631–89); Eiraku Koichi (b. 1944); Eiraku Hozen (1795–1854); Eiri (Chôkyôsai) (active ca. 1790–1800); Eiri (Rekisentei) (active ca. 1798–1815); Eiri (Kikukawa) (active ca. 1804–1830); Eiriku (Kanô Akinobu) (active ca. 1730); Eirin (active ca. 1789–1801); Eirin Ikkousai (active ca. 1872); Eiryô (Kanô Nagayoshi) (1739–1769); Eiryô (Chôkisai) (active 1751–1800); Eiryû (active 1789–1800); Eiryû (Kikukawa) (active 1804–1818); Eisai (active 1818–1830); Eisan (Fujuwara E.) (active 1701–1750); Eisen (Okuda E.) (1753–17.6.1811); Eisen (Keisai E.) (1790–23.9.1848); Eisen (active 1804–1818); Eisenin (Kanô Furunobu) (12.9.1696–15.2.1731); Eisenin (Kanô Sukenobu) (20.12.1730–24.9.1790); Eisetsu (Seigetsusai) (active ca. 1789–1801); Eishi (Masa) (1745–1791); Eishi (Hosoda E.) (1756–1.8.1829); Eishi (Beikasai) (active ca. 1830–1844); Eishi (Eiko) (active ca. 1830–1844); Eishin (Chôensai) (active 1795–1817); Eishin (active ca. 1801–1900); Eishin (Tenshûsai) (active ca. 1804–30); Eishô (Kanô E.) (active ca. 1710); Eisho (active ca. 1789–1801); Eishô (Chôkôsai) (active ca. 1794/95–1801); Eishô (Toki Eishô) (active ca. 1786–1800); Eishô (Ikkansai) (active ca. 1801–1815); Eishô (Chôgensai) (active ca. 1804–1818); Eishô (Ganryûsai) (active ca. 1818–1830); Eishô (Shinsai) (active ca. 1830–1844); Eishô (Kikukawa E.) (active ca. 1818–1830); Eishôsai Chôki (active ca. 1781–1789); Eishû (Tôgensai) (active ca. 1789–1830); Eishu (Sekkôsai) (active ca. 1804–1830); Eishû (Mamiya E.) (1.10.1871–1945); Eishukû (Kanô Toshinobu) (7.5.1675–26.7.1724); Eishun (Tosa E.) (ca. 1369–1418); Eishun (Nihonga Baiôken Harunobu) (active 1704–1764); Eishun (Kanô E.) (1769–10.11.1816); Eishun (Senchôsai) (active 1822–1830); Eishunsai (after 1700–1765); Eisui (Ichirakusai) (ca. 1790–1823); Eisuke (Tatsuke E.) (active ca. 1701–1800); Eitaku (Kobayashi Tokusen) (23.3.1843–27.5.1890); Eitokû (Kanô Kuninobu) (16.2.1543–12.10.1590); Eitokû (Kanô Takanobu) (8.11.1740–12.2.1975); Eitoku (Kanô Tatsonobu) (1814 /24.1.1825–19.1.1891); Eitoku (Ichiyôken) (active ca. 1819–1844); Eiu (active ca. 1789–1801); Eiun (Kanô Sadanobu) (d. 1697); Eizan (Kikukawa E.) (1787–1867); Eizan (active ca. 1789–1801); Eizô (active 19th c.); Eizon (active late 15th-mid-16th c.); Ekiho (active ca. 1801–1804); Ekin (1812–1876); Ekishi (active ca. 1789–1801); Ekô Rozan (Rozan E.) (1865–1944); Ekuan Kenji (b. 11.9.1929); (Kôma) Ema (1881–1940); Emi Kinuko (b. 7.6.1923); Emimaru (active ca. 1789–1801); Emosaku (b. 1586/1600–after 1697); Emura Koichi (b. 1961); Enami Naomi (b. 1956); Enbo (active ca. 1813); Enchô (active 1764–1781); Endô Akiko (b. 7.10.1947); Endô Arata (1889–1951); Endô Kyôzô (1897–1970), 547; Endô Matsugoro (active ca. 1766–1771); Endô Otô (1865–1943); Endô Sadakichi (1843 or 1845–1915); Endô Shûgaku (1846–1911); Endô Sôju (b. 25.3.1917); Endô Susumu (22.12.1933); Endô Tenta (b. 1.10.1903); Enen (d. 1040).

    Vol. 32 (2002):

    Egami Keita (b. 1951); Egawa Tomekichi (1st half 19th c.); Eguchi Shû (b. 3.4.1932); Eguchi Sôgen (b. 21.12.1919); Ehô Tokutei (active ca. 1470); Ei Kyû (28.4.1911–10.3.1960); Eibun (Sugawara Toshinobu) (active ca. 1801-1815); Eichô (active 1795/1800–1830); Eiga (active ca. 1312–ca. 1395); Eiga (active ca. 1784); Eiga (Suigetsusai) (active ca. 1789–1801); Eiga (Kikugawa) (active ca. 1818–1830); Eigaku (Kanô Eigaku) (1790–1867); Eigen (Kanô Akinobu) (d. 1704); Eigetsu (Suishôsai) (active ca. 1801–1850); Eigyô (active ca. 1830–1844); Eigyoku (active ca. 1804–1818); Eiha (active ca. 1795); Eihakû (Kanô Kiyonobu) (1687–August 1764); Eihô Hiresaki (Hiresaki Eihô) (25.8.1881–1970); Eii (Kanô Eii) (active ca. 1775); Eiichi (1818–1848); Eiin (active ca. 1383); Eiji (active ca. 1751–1800); Eiji (Gensuisai) (active ca. 1804–1818); Eijô (Kanô Nagatsune) (1731–1787); Eiju (Kanô Shunshin) (1659–1736); Eiju (Chôtensai) (active ca. 1789–1801); Eiju (Sakai Isaburô) (active ca. 1818–1860); Eikai (active ca. 1197–1254); Eikai (1803–24.12.1874); Eikei (Kanô Nagataka) (1662–1702); Eiki (Chôjusai) (active ca. 1789–1801); Eiki (active ca. 1789–1801); Eiko (active ca. 1789–1801); Eikô (Rôshunsai) (active ca. 1801–1818); Eiko Ishioka (Ishioka Eiko) (b. 12.7.1939); Eikyô (Chôgyokusai) (active ca. 1789–1818); Eikyô (Goyûtei) (active ca. 1830–1844).

    Vol. 29 (2001):

    Donpô (b. 14.10.1401 [or 1408]); Donshû (b. 1857); (Kaigetsudô) Doshin (fl. 1704–1716); (Kondô) Dôsho (1653–1693); (Shibayama) Dôshô (fl. 1846/1855); Dôshô (1828–1884); (Kaigetsudô) Doshu (fl. 1704–1716); (Kaigetsudô) Doshû (fl. 1704–1716); Dozô (Eishô) (1412–10.3.1481), 281; Du Dacheng (fl. 1500); Du Dashou (1567–1615); Du Jin (fl. 1465–1509); Du Mu (803–852); Du Qiong (4.1.1396–5.12.1474).

    Vol. 28 (2001):

    Dôan (family of Jap. suiboka painters, 14th to early 17th century, with D. Juntei, D. Junsei, D. Junchi); (Kôami) Dochô (1410–1478); Dôei (1640–1708); Dôhachi (Japanese potter family, 18th to 20th century); Dôhei (Etsubei) (1782–1854); Dôhei (Imai) (b. 1823); Dôho (d. 1678); Dôin Shôjo (1324–1396); Dokuryû (1596–1672); Dokutan (1628–1706); Dômi (fl. 1596–1615); Dômoto Akira (b. 12.2.1922); Dômoto Hisao (b. 2.3.1928); Dômoto Inshô (25.12.1891–5.9.1975); Dômoto Mototsugu (b. 9.4.1923); Dômoto Shikken (3.11.1889–28.7.1964); Dong Bangda (1699–19.8.1769); Dong Gao (23.4.1740–8.11.1818); Dong Sicheng (1560–1595); Dong Xiaochu (fl. 1600/1644); Dong Yuan (ca. 900–ca. 962/after 975); Donkei (b. 1825); Donkyô (b. 1810).

    Vol. 26 (2000):

    Deme (family of Jap. nô mask and netsuke carvers, 16th to 19th centuries); Deng Chun (fl. 1167); Deng Juchuan (fl. 1328); Deng Wenyuan (1258–1328); Deng Yin (active ca. 960–1126); Deng Yu (1297, d. after 1378); Denki (1784–1827); Denzen (1748–1822).

    Vol. 23 (1999):

    Dai Kui (ca. 350–396); Dai Yong (378–441); Daito Kokushi (1282–1337).
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